Page 140 of Vicious Bonds
I laugh at their interaction before peering out the window. The farther we get from Vanora, the more my smile disappears. I’m not sure what it is, but going out of the city to get to Beatrix’s doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s because of what happened with Ripple Hills last time—the attack and all. Or maybe it’s because the farther we get, the less light there is. We’re swarmed in darkness, the headlights the only thing giving way.
A car follows us—Alora and three of her best guards. Even she’s prepared for the worst. I reach into my cloak, feeling for the gun at my waist. My fingertips find the cool metal and I sigh.
I’m here.
How far out are you?
Not far. Fifteen minutes or so from Beatrix’s.
Okay.Relief washes over me.
Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon. Nothing will happen to you.
That’s easy for him to say. He’s used to this. I’m not.
Rowan drives over the long bridge that leads to Beatrix’s, and when he’s off it, I spot her little cottage at the top of the hill. It’s been repaired since the attack, but the color of the door is different. It’s gold, which I assume is a courtesy of Alora. Rowan drives closer, and I spot smoke puffing out the chimney. Her lights are on inside, glowing in the night, and that swirl of dread washes away when I realize how cozy the place looks.
When Rowan parks, he shuts the car off and climbs out first. I step out, and Silvera jumps out behind me, Juniper getting out on the other side.
I face Beatrix’s house while Rowan says, “Gonna have a look around.” He pulls out a gun and walks the perimeter of the house, disappearing around a corner.
“You have nothing to worry about,” Juniper says, approaching me.
“Sheesh. Is my worry that obvious?” I ask, smiling.
“Oh, yes. But it’s okay. You’re still getting used to all this. I can’t imagine how daunting it is.”
“Yeah. This is a chaotic lifestyle. I’m not sure how you all just embrace it.”
“With these,” she says, whipping out her gun and holding it in the air. It’s a thick silver handgun with a wide barrel and ablack handle. “A gun is a man’s best friend. Well, that’s what we say in Blackwater.” She grins.
“Let me go up first, see if Beatrix is ready for us,” Alora says as she passes us.
She moves along in a copper two-piece outfit and sandals, taking the stairs up and giving the door a knock.
“Beatrix?” she calls. “We’re here! I trust your hunt went well!”
Alora takes a step back, waiting. We all watch her and the door, waiting for it to open, but after a minute passes and not a peep is heard, Alora glances at Proll. Proll nods and walks around the back of the house, but before he can make it, we hear a bang, one loud enough to be a gunshot.
“Stay here!”Juniper yells at me before dashing toward the back of the house. Maeve rushes to me, pulling me aside and crouching next to the car. A growl is coming from Silvera as she glares at the house, her back hunched and her teeth bared. Proll, who was just at the side of the house, is now running to Alora and whisking her away.
“What’s happening?” I breathe.
“I’m not sure, dear,” Maeve answers.
“Is it another attack?”
Maeve looks at me a moment before focusing on the house. “I believe so.”
Another gunshot goes off, then some clattering and glass breaking. Maeve places her purse down and digs into it, pulling out her own gun.
“Caz will be here any moment. You stay here.”