Page 18 of Vicious Bonds
“Yes, weed.” I eye him, and he appears confused. “It gets you high.”
“High? Like quish does?”
He shakes his head. “Never mind. Continue with the last thing you remember.”
“I was on my bed, then I saw a purple light on my ceiling. I touched it, and it’s like I was brought closer to the light. I remember looking down at my bed, trying to get back to it, but then everything went black. The next thing I know, I’m on the ground, surrounded by trees, and my leg is bleeding.”
He doesn’t react. Just stares at me, and it makes me uncomfortable, so I sit up straighter in my chair. Cerberus growls, and a yelp forms in the heart of my throat.
“He doesn’t like sudden movements,” Caz informs me.
“Oh…um…my apologies, wolf.”
“Is there anything else you remember?”
“Uh…well, before I saw the light, I heard a voice.” My eyes lock on his as I debate whether I should tell himwhosevoice it was. I decide to bite the bullet. “I’m pretty sure it was yours.”
He’s quiet a moment, his gaze lowering. “I heard you in the forest when Cerberus was chasing you. Not your actual voice. The one in my head. I knew exactly where you were without any kind of lead.”
“How?” I ask.
“I don’t know.”
Why didn’t you stop your damn wolf sooner then?
Caz tips his chin. “You should watch your thoughts. I can hear them.”
I frown. “Then stop listening.”
“Kind of hard to do when it seems I’m meant to hear them.”
I press my lips. “Why can’t I hear all of yours?”
“Because I’m not allowing you to.”
“What? How can you do that? Do you know about this—whateverthis thing is we can do?”
“To me, it seems like a form of telepathy. I don’t know how it works, or why we share it, but I know someone who may have an idea. She should be on her way to me soon. She’ll be able to figure out where you came from and, hopefully, how to get you back.”
“Okay. Finally, some good news. In the meantime, what about a phone?”
He sighs, clearly exasperated. “I’m assuming a phone is a form of communication for you.”
“Yes, that’s exactly it.” I sit forward. “Do you have one?”
“We don’t have phones. We have transmitters. Unfortunately to have one, it must be assigned to you and if it isn’t, you must ask permission to use it, so I can’t let you use mine.”
“Not even if I ask for your permission?”
He picks up that same silver case from before, plucking out another black cigarette thing with a simple shake of his head.
“Wow. Okay, so how do I get in touch with someone? How can I get my own transmitter thing?”
“You really aren’t from around here.” He exhales, sitting back in his chair. “Transmitters in Blackwater are only given to those higher up in ranking and the people who work to have them. I have absolutely no clue who you are other than your name and I don’t know where you’re from, therefore it will be nearly impossible to provide you a transmitter.”
“That’s…really stupid. Where I come from, anyone can have a phone as long as they can pay their bill.”