Page 25 of Vicious Bonds
“I willnotgo to her. Not after her truce with Ripple Hills. And you stop worrying about my name.” He points a stern finger my way.
“She made the wiser choice, and you know it. She didn’t want to pick sides anymore,” Maeve goes on.
“Which is exactly why wecan’ttrust her! She can easily use that to her advantage to keep us against one another.”
“Well, if you don’t lower your pride and go to her, you’ll never get this girl back to whatever world she came from. Alora has connections to powerful Mythics. She’d know who to talk to about this.”
“Oh—no. No, Ihaveto get home,” I say quickly. “I can’t stay here. This place is dangerous and, no offense, but I feel really sick here—like this whole place gives me nausea.”
Juniper snorts into her glass while Killian grumbles something incoherent.
“If we don’t go to Alora, Willow might be stuck here,” Maeve urges. “And I’m sure the last thing you want is this woman in your hair during this mess with Ripple. She’ll become a liability—one we don’t need, especially if people find out she can hear what you’re thinking, Caspian.”
Caz’s head shakes, but he doesn’t disagree. With a sigh, he cuts his eyes at Killian, who says, “I’ll send the message,” and immediately stomps out of the office.
“Juniper, Rowan, tell Veno to get a car ready,” Caz orders, planting his fists on top of the desk. “Looks like we’re taking a bloody trip to Vanora.”
I just wantto go home. I can’t stay here. I need to get back. Oh my God, is that kid skinny dipping?
I stare out the window, trying my hardest to block out Willow’s thoughts. The car is completely silent, yet it feels as if she’s screaming. I can’t take it. This incessant whining has to stop. The interesting thing is I can block her out, but there are times when I can’t stop her thoughts from tangling with mine. It seems the closer she is to me, the easier her voice can slip through the cracks of my mind’s wall. I’m not sure I can hear her deeper thoughts, just the thoughts that bubble to the surface. They seem louder when she’s afraid or worried. Either way, it’s incredibly annoying.
Besides, she’s the one who dropped here. All of us have far more important things to do than getting her back to where she belongs.
Oh my God. What if Faye came by again? She’ll be worried sick, especially after that stupid basement nightmare. Oh—and Garrett! Damn it, Garrett. He hasa key. He’s gonna see I’m not there. Didn’t tell him I was going out of town again either. What am I going tell him when I get back? He’s going to be pissed. Am I ever gonna get back? Yes, I have to. There has to be a way.
Garrett. I’ve heard her say that name—I’m not sure when, but it’s someone she knows. Someone she cares about. Either way, the name annoys me.
Veno drives slowly through Blackwater Village. We’re in the SUV, Maeve seated upfront. Willow is in the second row, wedged between me and Killian, and Rowan and Juniper are in the back row. I’d have taken the front seat, but Maeve is older and I’m courteous.
“I was going to wear that outfit to a party, you know.” Juniper places her chin on my shoulder, looking sideways at Willow.
“You were?” Willow looks over her shoulder. “I’m sorry—I told that Della woman that I didn’t want to wear these clothes, but she insisted.”
“Della is lucky she works for us,” Juniper gripes.
“Juniper, sit back.”
“Caz, will you shut up? I’m getting to know our new friend here!” I know Juniper has just rolled her eyes. She’s lucky she’s my damn cousin—the only person who gets away with telling me to shut up. “Anyway, Willow, I think it looks great on you. Suits you better than me.”
I press the pads of my fingers to Juniper’s forehead, pushing her back lightly to remove her head from my shoulder. I feel her scowling at the back of my head.
“You know I don’t like people touching me.” Which is why it’s taking everything in me not to lose my shit being in such a tight space, seated next to a woman I don’t even know. Her thigh is too close to mine, the heat of her skin radiating through the material of her clothes, and I feel her breathing. Not tomention she smells different…not like the women in Blackwater, who usually smell like sand and water. She carries a sweet smell, something subtle and foreign. I’ve never smelled anything like it before.
We should’ve driven separate cars.
“Why?” Willow asks, turning her head to look at me.
“What?” I meet her eyes.
“Why do we need separate cars?”
I rip my gaze away from hers. For the love of Vakeeli. How the fuck did she hear me?
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are,” she murmurs. I glance at her, and she rolls her eyes, then turns to look out the window next to Killian. “How long will it take to get to wherever we’re going?”