Page 29 of Vicious Bonds
“I did…but only if I could wear my own clothes most of the time.”
Alora chuckles, then meets my eyes and says, “Speaking of clothes, come with me.”
She guides us through the castle, beneath large chandeliers and intricately designed ceilings, pillars, and statues, until we’re approaching a large door bathed in gold. She pushes the door open, and reveals a room full of dresses. Most of them are white, some gold, but the colorful set near one of the ocean-front windows catches my eye most.
I step up to one of them, running my fingers along the silk fabric of a pink dress. I finger an emerald dress with red rubies lining the bosom, and then an orange gown with silver threads.
“You look like you’re wearing Juniper’s clothes,” Alora says to me.
“She is,” Juniper confirms.
“Well, we’ll have to fix that, won’t we?”
“What are you saying? That I don’t have good taste?” Juniper counters, a hand pressing to her hip.
“No, no, it’s not that,” Alora says, fighting a smile. “I just think I can find something to better suit Willow, is all. Don’t be so feisty.”
Juniper fights her own smile, and says, “As long as I get to pick out some clothes too.”
“Of course.” Alora turns to me. “You look like more of a pants woman.” She walks past and opens a closet, revealing pants, blouses, and shoes in many styles and colors. “Pick a few outfits and I will have them tailored to fit you. I know the reason you’re here is because of the Tether you share with Caspian, and the only person I can think of who knows anything about that is Beatrix, and for her, you must be presentable. She’s quite picky about how people look when they come to her, actually. Hopefully she’ll answer my requests, and if she reaches back out, I’d like us to be prepared to see her.”
“Oh…um…okay.” I step next to her, surveying each piece of clothing, then decide to go with twill khaki trousers and an ivory cotton blouse. Normally, I wouldn’t wear twill, but it seems to be what all the pants are made of here. I pick another outfit that’s simpler, black pants and a sheer pink blouse, and Alora gives me a satisfied smile as I collect it all.
“Wait a minute.” Juniper walks past me, opening one of the glass drawers and pulling out brown suspenders. “This will complete the look of the first outfit you picked.”
“Good eye,” Alora praises.
Juniper places the suspenders on top of the clothes, giving me a triumphant smile. “I’d fit right into this place if I had the chance.”
Alora walks out of the room, calling for someone to tailor the clothes I selected, and I don’t know why I’m surprised that they get my measurements and clothes fitted all within thirty minutes. She even sent someone to fetch a new pair of shoes from the city. They were brought back within twenty minutes.
Now, I stand in one of Alora’s bedchambers looking into a wide mirror, surprised by the new look. I’ve never dressed like this, but dare I say, it suits me. And Juniper was right about the suspenders. They add a nice touch.
“We should eat!” Alora declares when everyone has gathered in the regal room again. A woman walks up to Alora, whispering something in her ear. Alora doesn’t move her head as she listens, and when the woman scurries away, Alora releases a sigh.
I step around Alora and can’t help it when my eyes snap to Caz. It seems no matter what room we’re in together, Ihaveto look for him. It’s like a stupid, compelling force—one I can’t stop from happening no matter how hard I try, and as if it’s the same for him, he looks at me too. Some of the irritation washes off his face as he looks me up and down in my new clothes. His eyes soften, and for a split second I think he’ll compliment me, but instead he swings his gaze to Alora and says, “Let’s get on with this already.”
“Oh, unleash your patience, Caspian.” Alora gestures to two women in a corner, giving a dainty wave of her hand. They nod and hurry around a wall, disappearing. “I already know why you’re here, and we would be going to see Beatrix, but she hasn’t gotten back to my transmitter requests, unfortunately. But, rest assured, we will figure out your Tether.” When she says that, Caz cuts his eyes to me. “The Tether you’re denying, might I add.”
“I’m not denying anything,” he counters.
“Oh, Caspian. Always so serious.” She walks around him, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “She’s a beautiful woman. You’d be a fool to reject her.”
Red splotches appear on Caz’s neck, a tight grimace on his face now. “Please realize that just because I’m in your graces, doesn’t mean you get to embarrass me in front of my clan.”
“Am I embarrassing you?” She presses her lips, then glances at me. “Willow, here, doesn’t seem to be the least bit bothered.”
“I’m not as uptight as he is,” I tell her, and that sets Caz ablaze. His whole face is red now, his fist clenching, and I’m fighting a laugh.
“Fine. Dinner,” he says through gritted teeth. “Then you’ll give Beatrix another try, correct?”
Alora smiles. “Absolutely.”
I can’t bringmyself to eat. There’s no point, especially with Alora. She likes to play games, and right now, I don’t have time for them. Hell, I never do, but I try to be lenient with her because she’s queen, and I’m in her territory with my own requests.