Page 63 of Vicious Bonds
She says nothing to that. Just shifts her eyes down to the table.
“What do the black markings mean exactly?” I moce closer to the table. “And how do you know so much about it?”
I avoid looking at Willow because I can hear her thoughts, but right now those aren’t the priority. She’s thinking a name repeatedly but trying to bat it away.Warren. Gone. He’sgone. Probably won’t ever come back. The tea. Focus on the tea.It’s good. Could use some honey.
“They simply mean your Tether is becoming stronger,” Manx says, bringing my focus back. “I’ve studied the Cold Tether for centuries. The black veins always pop up when the Tethered form a bond.”
I cut my eyes to Willow as she locks on my face. Was a bond formed between us? If so, it can’t be that deep. Not enough to cause all of this—the nightmares, Mournwrath’s attack, the veins.
“I’ve always been fascinated by it,” Manx continues. “And your mother…ahh, she did say you’d be special.” He pauses, stroking his chin. I try not to let the mention of my mother get to me. “I would say it’s as simple as your Tether becoming stronger, but I’m afraid if you don’t get her home soon, something worse will happen to you, Caspian.”
I tip my chin. “Like what?”
“A fatality.Death, even.” He looks at Willow. “Are the nightmares scarier, Willow?”
“Yes. And in this one, it was Mournwrath. I’m sure of it. It was…chokingme.”
Manx winces, as if he can imagine the pain. “The protection morsel should help. You’ll be able to sleep peacefully in the meantime. And once you return to your world, the nightmares should cease completely. As long as you don’t come back to Vakeeli, you’re safe. According to what I’ve studied, it’s when you’re in the same universe as Caspian that it’s easier for Mournwrath to latch on and attack.”
“Well, I appreciate your help, Manx. But we must go now.”
Manx tilts his head up at me. “You’re going to Ripple Hills?”
“I have to.”
“For what?” Willow asks.
I ignore her. “If I don’t go now, they’ll kill them.”
“That’s what they want you to think,” says Manx.
“No. It’s what Iknow. They’re getting bolder, Manx. Bold enough to kill monarch clan members if they have to. If I don’t go now, it’ll make me look like a joke.”
“I think you should get Willow home first. I can send a troop to retrieve your cousins.”
“No.” The word comes out louder than intended. “Ihaveto go for them. I can’t waste any more time here.”
Manx releases a long breath, glancing at Willow. “Taking her with you is dangerous. You know how the people of Ripple Hills are.”
“She’ll be fine as long as she sticks with me. Once I get my cousins back, I’ll take her to Blackwater and send her home. I’ll be there long before the protection morsel wears off.”
It doesn’t seemlike a good idea going to Ripple Hills with Caz, but he insists, even when I tell him it may be better for me to stay in Whisper Grove.
“I won’t be able to make it back in time to Whisper Grove to get you and then return to Blackwater before the morsel wears off. Once I have my cousins, we’ll head there.” He says this as we leave Whisper Grove, both of us carrying black sacks containing water, fruit, and dry foods like nuts and berries, courtesy of Manx.
“What did the note say?” I ask as we climb a hill. I feel a cramp building in my side from all the walking. I haven’t walked this much in ages.
Caz stops at the top of the hill and looks toward the valley ahead. A forest is nearby, the leaves of the trees rustling with the wind. There’s no telling what’s in that forest.
Caz digs into his pocket, waiting for me to meet up to him before handing the paper to me.
We havethe girl and the darkie. If you want to see them again, bring 600 rubies.
“Thedarkie?”I don’t know why I’m surprised by that word again. Darkie. It’s so…ignorant.