Page 5 of Rewrites of the Heart
“I said something about admiring women who liked history. But I went a bit too far in my compliment.”
Rob raised his eyebrows. He took that as a sign to continue his story.
“I had seen a table set up for some romance novelist who was doing a book signing. So, I wondered out loud why any woman would read romance novels, let alone write them. That’s when I found out she was the author signing those books.”
Rob gagged and spewed coffee all over the table. He coughed and placed his napkin over his mouth.
“You okay?”
Rob nodded yes, then finally managed to speak. “You say she was the novelist?”
“Yeah. I was pretty blunt in my opinions,” Kenn said, as he wiped the table. “It’s sad, because if my mouth hadn’t worked faster than my brain, I may have had a real chance to get to know her.”
He paused. “But then again, why would I want to know a woman who writes such utter nonsense?”
“Kenn, why don’t you come over to dinner one night? Nan knows some really nice women who would be perfect for you. A nice, friendly atmosphere, no pressure.”
“Not that again.” Kenn laughed. “I remember the last woman you introduced me to. What were you thinking? We had absolutely nothing in common.”
“This time, I’m thinking about one person in particular. I think you two would get along really well.”
“Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.” Kenn looked into the cup.
The conversation turned to other matters. Finally, Kenn said, “I better stop at the office before heading home. Thanks for listening.”
As they left the café, Rob said, “Remember, Nan has lots of friends. You’ve got a standing invitation for dinner.”
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”
Chapter 5
“I don’t even know why I continue to argue with two fictional characters.”
JJ’s hand rested on the doorknob of her office door. After her second cup of coffee, the pounding in her head quit and she found she was able to stand and walk. She was ready to retire to her bedroom for the night.
“Wow, ‘fictional characters’ make us sound so,” Blake paused a beat, “unreal.” He pinched himself in the forearm. “Ouch. See, that hurt me. I’m real.”
“But you’renot real.You’re just personalities I created. You’re nothing more than flat two-dimensional characters in a love story—the love story I created. You are not real.”
JJ heard Alex softly sniffle and glanced at her heroine. Her eyes were tearing up. She sighed and fought back the urge to walk over and comfort her.She’s not real.
“So, that could only mean one thing,” she said, as if to reinforce that thought. “I’m talking to myself right now.” She threw her hands into the air.
JJ turned the doorknob but paused for a brief moment. “In the morning, I’ll realize this was all a dream.”Or a really bad hallucination.
“I’ll walk in tomorrow and my office will be empty. It will be quiet and serene.” She glanced at the pair. “Good bye.”
And with that, she walked out, closed the door behind her, and headed straight for bed.
A quick glance at the alarm clock on her nightstand told her it was midnight. Of course, the witching hour. All sorts of strange things are said to happen at midnight. At the moment she couldn’t think of any, but she knew she was right.
Kicking off her bunny slippers, she climbed straight into bed. She pulled the blanket close around her neck, cocooning herself under the covers, feeling its comfort and warmth. She thought this was what a caterpillar must feel as he slept snugly inside his chrysalis.
She smiled at the thought but knew full well the fundamental difference between her and the caterpillar. When the caterpillar awakes, he’ll be a beautiful butterfly.When I wake up tomorrow morning, I’ll be the same old me.Then, she quickly added, minus the two fictional characters in the office.
Of course, it’ll be that way. She sighed. That whole episode was nothing more than a bad dream. At most, she thought, a hallucination brought on by too much work.
Maybe my sister is right.The thought reverberated through her head again. JJ’s mind wouldn’t shut down and refused to let her sleep.