Page 15 of Never Knew Love
Mason only nodded. “I figured as much when I spottedBillie’s boots by the front door just now. You can tell him he doesn’t have to hide in your bedroom. I won’t freak the fuck out. Not at him, in any case,” Mason bit out as his icy blue glare hit Eli. Fuckity fuck fuck, the boss man was ready to explode.
“Boss, it just happened. Like, last night. I was going to call or stop by the office to tell you this morning. I swear.” Eli began to sweat profusely and started pacing again.
“I believe you, Eli, but personal relations with a client is a strict no-go. It ruins your objectivity. I wish you told me how you felt before anything happened. Given this, I’m going to have to suspend you for three weeks.”
“If Eli gets suspended, you should have to face suitable punishment,” Billie interrupted, appearing beside the couch in his red pants and white shirt, his beautiful face staring down at Mason with no sign of fear. Fuck, his man had big balls to take on the boss man.
“This doesn’t concern you, Billie.”
“Were you or were you not guarding Dax at the same time you started boning him?”
Eli quickly walked over to Billie and placed an arm around his waist. Mason was going to eviscerate him, but Eli could try to shield him as best he could from the blast.
“What I did or did not do is not relevant here!” Mason yelled. Billie pushed Eli’s arm aside and got right up in Mason’s face.
“Eli told you the truth. Re-assign him, but he doesn’t deserve suspension. Nothing happened until last night, and I was in no danger since he was going to ask to be reassigned this morning.”
Mason stared at Billie and shook his head. “Jesus!” he barked. “I was a cold-hearted bastard before Dax. Now look what he’s done to me. All right, Eli, you’re re-assigned. But you pull any shit like this again and that’s it. And keep thisrelationship under wraps while the press are on to Billie.”
“Thanks, Mason. I swear it won’t happen again.”
“It better not. You don’t plan to date other clients, do you?” Billie asked Eli with a big smile and a wink. “Wait, what do you mean the press are on to me?”
“Before you interrupted our conversation, I was telling Eli that the press know who you are and your connection to the band. There’s also an online tabloid article that suggests you’re dating one of the guys in Wayward Lane.”
“Great, let the circus begin!” Billie huffed and crossed his arms.
“What now, boss?” Eli asked as he put his arm around Billie’s shoulder.
“I’ll have Luis drop by here and take Billie home. Billie, you need to change into clothes that aren’t so recognizable. Borrow something from Eli, running shoes, and wear a hat and sunglasses. I’ll arrange a schedule for the coming weeks. Eli, you’re back on night shift. I’ll have Oliver send you a schedule.”
“Got it. Thanks again, boss. Oh, what’s in the bag that Dax sent?”
“I have no idea. He told me not to look, and I do not go against my husband’s wishes.”
“Dax really has you by the balls, eh, Mason?” Billie laughed.
“He certainly does. I’m a very lucky man.” Mason smirked in a rare moment of levity. “Now enough joking around. Luis and Oliver will be in touch. I’ll talk to you later,” Mason said as he quickly headed for the door.
Eli turned to Billie. “We probably have a half hour before Luis gets here and whisks you away.”
“Race you to the shower?”
“Loser makes breakfast.”
Chapter Seven
Was Billie really expected to go outside in these clothes? Thank God no one would recognize him with the glasses and hat because he didnotwant to be seen. “I look like the Fugitive. If the Fugitive was a ten-year-old wearing his dad’s clothing.”
Eli had loaned him a pair of sweats and a flannel shirt, but they were gigantic on him. The shirt was so long it was more like a dress than a top. The only thing Billie could do was roll up the sleeves and tie the sides of the shirt together. The sweatpants were also enormous, so he rolled them up and wrapped the drawstring around his waist—twice. Finally, he tucked his hair under a baseball cap and added a pair of sunglasses. Fuck, was this what Dax had to go through on a regular basis with the media? At this rate, the tour couldn’t come soon enough.
When Billie finally ventured out of the bedroom, he was greeted by Eli and Luis’s bellowing laughter. They picked up their phones and began snapping pictures.
“Have your fun, guys. But the next time you need a custom-made suit, don’t come running to me,” he said as he took off his glasses and tucked them in the shirt pocket.
“Sorry, Billie, but you’re so stinking cute!” Luis chuckled.