Page 21 of Never Knew Love
“Are you calling me irresistible?”
Eli blushed. “If the silver boot fits…”
Chapter Nine
Eli’s alarm pinged at six AM. He’d slept about six hours, which was all he needed. Mason had repeated his warning last night that there was to be no personal involvement while on duty. The boss didn’t like having Eli on Billie’s detail at all, but they were short staffed given new gigs. Eli would behave, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t comfort his lover in a small way. Billie was tense and frightened and rightfully so. Any threat to personal safety—potential or otherwise—was a sobering reality. While Eli and Billie had gone to bed and stayed on their respective sides, Billie’s tossing and turning was telling, so Eli wrapped his lover up tight in his arms, spooning him. A half hour later, Billie finally succumbed to sleep. Mason wouldn’t have any cause here. Eli was guarding Billie’s body the best way he could. A bit closer than usual, but sometimes, some rules were meant to be broken.
Billie was still sound asleep, so Eli slowly disengaged his body, threw on his track pants, and headed out to the kitchen to make coffee. The front door suddenly opening had him reaching for his weapon in record time.
“Whoa! It’s just me!” Frankie yelled out as he dropped his backpack and a paper bag on the living room floor, his hands in the air.
“Fuck, Frankie, I’m sorry,” Eli said as he put his weapon away and quickly closed and locked the door. “You’re two hours early. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just that the final order for the band needs to be done by the weekend, so I’m putting in extra hours.”
“Got it. Sorry for the unusual greeting, but I wasn’t expecting you. There’s been a change to Billie’s detail.”
“I gathered that given yourlicense to killpose when Iwalked in here.” Frankie picked up the paper bag and followed Eli into the kitchen. “I brought bagels. Help yourself. Where’s Billie?”
“Still sleeping. You want coffee?”
Frankie nodded and Eli searched the cupboard for mugs. He popped a pod in the coffee maker and slid a mug in place, then pressed start. He searched the fridge and found oat milk and placed it on the counter. Then he opened up the paper bag and selected his favorite, an everything bagel.
“A threatening e-mail aimed at Brodie and Billie was sent to the management of Wayward Lane. Some crazy fan is unhappy he’s ‘dating Billie’. The e-mail is being investigated. Given this, Billie now has round-the-clock protection. I’m on night shift and Luis is on days, eight to eight, until things calm down. Was there anyone lingering outside the building when you came in?”
Frankie shook his head and ran a hand through his curls. “Nope.”
“Has anyone contacted you recently asking about Billie? Have you noticed anyone following you?”
“No. Should I be concerned about my safety?”
“I’ve got a call with Mason in a half hour. I’ll ask him and see what he says.”
“Thanks. Billie got me an invitation to the launch party, but now I’m not so sure I should go.”
“My opinion? It’s the safest place you can be since it’s a private event with loads of security. All guests are pre-screened. Plus, it’ll be a good networking opportunity for your career. Billie couldn’t have completed this job on time if he didn’t have you.”
“He’s right, Frankie,” Billie said as he walked into the kitchen in black jeans and a green silk button down, his hair a wavy tumble around his face. “I can’t wait to introduce you to theband. You deserve recognition for all your hard work.”
Eli scanned Billie’s face. He still had dark circles under his eyes, but he seemed more at ease than last night. Eli longed to give him a hug, but he needed to restrain himself. For now.
“Anyone else want a toasted bagel?” Eli asked as his stomach began to rumble.
“Yes please.”
“Everything bagel, double toasted please and thanks,” Frankie replied. “There’s a container of cream cheese in the bottom of the bag.”
Once Eli got the bagels ready, they gathered around Billie’s dining table and chatted while they ate.
Until Eli’s phone rang.
“Excuse me, I have to take this,” he said as he walked back to Billie’s bedroom.
“Hey, Mason.”
“Eli, how’s Billie?”