Page 25 of Never Knew Love
“I’ve got eyes,” Jon replied and Oliver rolled his own in turn.
“Well, I’ve got to go down and get Brodie,” Oliver said. “I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
Frankie and Jon started talking, so Eli turned and scanned the room, looking for Billie. His earpiece buzzed.
“Eli, Billie and Luis are heading up. Please take Frankie and wait by the entrance.”
“Got it.” He turned to Frankie. “Let’s wait by the elevator. Billie’s on his way up.”
All three of them sauntered over and quietly chatted while they waited. Eli turned his attention to the private elevator with his usual calm demeanor. Until the doors finally opened, and he stood there with his mouth open.
So much for staying professional.
Billie stared at his reflection in the elevator, taking deep breaths to steady his nerves. As a designer, it was important that his outfit made an impact. This was a high-profile event, after all, and could open the doors to many great things for his career. But truthfully, the only opinion that really mattered was his own. And that of a badass bodyguard with a shy smile and a kind heart.
Billie wore a kilt and motorcycle jacket like the ones he’d created for Brodie’s tour wardrobe. But Billie’s was bright red with a shiny patent finish. Then he’d accessorized with black knee-high boots and titanium jewelry, including rings and his facial piercings. He’d also added charcoal eyeliner and mascara to bring out his green eyes. The look was slick and edgy, and the boots gave him that extra bit of height that made him feel likehe could kick ass. Hell, if Luis’s reaction was any indication, he could turn heads and kick ass—win-win.
The elevator doors opened, and the first set of eyes he met was Eli’s. He held his breath as he waited for the reaction of his lover. Eli’s flushed face and stunned expression was a good start. The closer he got, the more heated their stare, and it was as if all the sounds and sights around him ceased to exist. Eli was going to ruin him for any other man if he kept looking at him like that.
“You’re so beautiful,” Eli whispered, and Billie felt his own cheeks heat in response.
“Thanks, you look gorgeous in your tux.”
“Well, it was made by a stunning designer, so I think he should take all the credit.”
Before Billie could respond, Luis stepped up.
“We should head on in. We’re blocking the elevator.” Luis motioned to the room.
Eli kept his distance, but Billie felt his eyes tracking his movements. Then he was caught up in the swell of the crowd and forced himself to circulate, talking to familiar celebrities and introducing himself to new people. He grabbed a glass of champagne at the bar, and then Luis escorted him around the room again. Eli and Frankie were also making the rounds and were never far from view.
Billie spotted Mason and Dax in the crowd, and he waved at them. As usual, Mason had a protective arm around his husband as Dax got stopped by people anxious to talk to the rising star.
“The band is on their way up,” Luis murmured, and Billie’s gut tightened in anticipation.
A hush came over the crowd as the band entered the room. Brodie stood out in his slim-fit white suit with black lapels and his trademark eyeliner. Ivan followed behind them, scanning the room and meeting Billie’s gaze with a nod. Cheersand hollers were deafening as the band made their way to the stage.
Brodie tapped on the mic and waved to the crowd as the other band members took hold of their instruments and started to warm up.
“Hey there, so nice to see you all here tonight. Thank you for coming out to celebrate Wayward Lane’s new album and the kickoff to our first cross-country tour. Before we open this get together, I want to give a special shout out to our manager, Ivan Cross.” Brodie paused as he looked around. “Van, get your hot ass up here.” Whistles and laughter rippled amongst the crowd.
Ivan slowly made his way to the stage, dressed in a classic black tux but no tie. Brodie pointed at him and curled his finger, motioning him to come closer. “A bit closer, Ivan. Come on, I don’t bite. Not unless you ask me real nice.” More laughter and hoots rang out.
Ivan finally made it up to the mic and stood beside Brodie. Billie noticed Oliver and another bodyguard by the stage, scouting the crowd. The lights in the venue lowered, with only the stage lit up.
“This man here,” Brodie said as he placed an arm around Ivan’s shoulders, “is the reason we’re about to embark on the biggest tour of our careers. He puts up with my crazy shit, has the patience to read through long legal contracts, and is a fucking talented musician in his own right. Let’s give him a round of applause, folks.” Brodie kissed Ivan on the cheek, and Billie saw the intense look that passed between them as the clapping continued. Ivan pulled away and waved as he left the stage, but Brodie’s eyes tracked his movements.
“Okay, folks, enough chit chat. Let’s get this fucking party going! Here’s our first single, ‘You’re Welcome to My World’.”
Holloway started with a deafening guitar solo, and then the other members of the band joined in, Brodie crooning hisdirty lyrics into the mic and moving his body with abandon. Billie was waiting for the moment when Brodie’s jacket got thrown aside. All eyes were riveted to the stage and the band’s charismatic singer.
Until someone in the audience yelled out.
Billie turned and pushed through the crowd, toward the noise.