Page 7 of Never Knew Love
“Even with me?” Billie smiled as he studied Eli’s strong profile. Eli bit his bottom lip, and Billie zeroed in on his mouth, wondering how those full lips would feel on his. He wanted to be the one nipping that luscious mouth. His blood thrummed in his veins. Suddenly, the temperature inside the car felt like a hundred degrees instead of sixty.Shit.
Eli quickly glanced at him, then back at the road. “Truth? Yes. I mean, I know you’re a great guy, but I’m a bit shy. It takes me a while to get to know people. And you’re Oliver’s cousin, so I want to be sure that this relationship, I mean, our working relationship, is satisfactory. Your needs are paramount to me.”
Billie had no doubt that Eli could satisfy all his needs.
“Thanks, Eli.” He paused. “I’m kind of wired after that meeting even though it’s late. You want to grab something to eat?”
“Sure, any place in mind?”
“Regina’s Diner, you know it?”
“Yup, best late-night burgers and fries.”
“And milkshakes, don’t forget dessert.”
They parked in front of the diner ten minutes later. Billie’s stomach growled as they entered the tiny establishment, the smell of fried goodness filling the air.
“What did you think of the meeting tonight?” Billie asked Eli as they slid into the last booth and looked over the menu.
“It was interesting for sure. That PR guy was a total asshole. He seemed way too uptight to be representing a music label. And Brodie, fuck, the mouth on him. Now I know why Ivan has grey hair.”
“Yeah, their banter was highly entertaining.” Billie motioned to the waitress. “I hope they’re going to love the designs once they’re done. Just think, in two months, my creations will be out on the stages of some of the biggest music venues across the country.”
“What’ll you have, gentleman?” the waitress asked as she approached their table.
Eli motioned for Billie to order first. “A double cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake, please.”
“I’ll have the same,” Eli replied. “I’m gonna need to hit the gym tomorrow after all these calories.”
“Yeah, right. Your body is phenomenal,” he blurted.
So much for keeping his secret desire secret.
“I mean, you’re in great shape. Not that I’ve been staring at your body or anything. Well, I can’t help but look. I mean, I can’t help but look at you since you’re in front of me. Oh God, kill me now.” Billie hid behind a menu, and Eli couldn’t help but be charmed by the outgoing man’s fluster.
“Thank you for the compliment,” Eli replied, trying to put Billie back at ease.
“You’re welcome. Not that your body is the only thing I’venoticed about you. You’re more than a gorgeous package.”
“You think I’m gorgeous?” Now it was Eli’s turn to blush.
Billie let an eyeroll loose. “Please. You know you turn people’s heads everywhere you go.”
“Actually, I think a lot of people are intimidated by my size. And unfortunately, some of them assume that I’m dumb because of how I look and how quiet I am. Like that PR guy tonight. He took one look at me, and I could see the derision all over his face.”
“He’s a dickhead. And so is anyone that doesn’t take the time to talk to you and get to know you. Your job is more difficult than people realize. You need to be highly observant, cool under pressure, always strategizing about the next move if something goes wrong.”
“I guess Oliver talks a lot about his work, eh?”
“Yup. Not so much now that he’s working with Mason and running the business, but when he was on active protection duty, he told me a lot of stories. I was impressed.” Their food finally arrived, and the smells were out of this world. They dug in and Eli was amazed to find Billie’s plate empty before his.
“Oliver seems happier now that he’s got a regular workweek. Jon is happier, too.”
“I bet. What about you? Do you like your job?” Billie asked as he grabbed a napkin to wipe his mouth.