Page 9 of Never Knew Love
A knock at the door interrupted Billie’s nervous breakdown.
“It’s probably Eli. I’ll get it,” Frankie replied. “You take some deep breaths and chill.”
Billie did as he was told and managed to get his heart rate to a near normal level. Until he walked out into the living room and saw Eli getting friendly with Frankie. Talking and laughing together. And Frankie resting his hand on Eli’s arm and looking up at him adoringly. Since when had these two become fast friends? Or was there more going on? Billie had been so caught up in his work for the past two weeks he hadn’t paid attention to anything else going on around him. His stomach clenched and he tamped down the urge to get in between them.
“If you two are done flirting, can we get the sample rack down to the SUV? I can’t be late,” he snapped.
Frankie and Eli looked at him like he’d grown a second head. Shit.What the fuck is wrong with me?Billie was too embarrassed to say anything else and rushed off to grab his black patent boots.
“I’ll put this in the car and come back for you,” Eli said and pushed the rack into the hallway. Before Billie could make his escape, Frankie grabbed his arm. “Hey, there’s nothing going on between me and Eli. We’re just friendly. He stopped by the building last week to visit Dax Martin and came here to say hi to you, but you were out looking for materials. We got to chatting, that’s all. He’s a knitter, like me, so we talked for over an hour.”
“You have nothing to explain, Frankie. It’s none of my business, and I had no right to snap at you. I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I reacted that way. I think the stress is getting to me.”
“Apology accepted,” Frankie said as he adjusted his glasses. “And I know why you reacted. I’ve seen the way Eli looks at you. He talked about you nonstop when he was here. I also see the way you are with him. Why don’t you ask him out?”
“It wouldn’t work. You know my track record.”
“Sometimes the best way to get over someone is to get under a hot bodyguard.”
Billie rolled his eyes and laughed. “Thank you, I’ll take that piece of advice under consideration. In the meantime, I have a high-profile band and their manager to impress. Wish me luck.”
“You got this, Billie. This collection will rock their world, pun intended.”
Knock, knock.
“It’s open, Eli!” Billie shouted as he walked to the foyer, but no one entered so he opened the door.
Eli’s dark glare surprised him. “Don’t assume it’s me andleave your door unlocked. I don’t care if it’s for five minutes. Do not leave your door unlocked. Please.”
“Sorry, I didn’t think. My mind is spinning in twenty different directions.”
“It’s okay, but I don’t want you to take any chances with your safety,” Eli murmured, and the protective tone hit Billie right in the chest. “Come on, you don’t want to be late.”
Once they arrived at Soundstage, Billie and Eli were shown to a large conference room where all the band was gathered. Billie now understood part of the reason for Wayward Lane’s popularity, one band member more gorgeous than the next. He waited as Ivan took the lead on introductions.
“Billie Rourke, I’d like you to meet the rest of the band—Ronin on bass, Faisel on drums, and Holloway, our lead guitarist,” Ivan murmured as he pointed to the guys around the room. “Guys, meet the clothing designer for the tour.”
Waves and hellos echoed around the room as Billie and Eli got the rack in place. “Nice to meet all of you. I know you have a busy schedule so let’s get to it.”
“Wait. Who’s the hottie beside you, Billie?” Holloway yelled out. With his long blond hair and close-cut beard, the guitarist sat back with his hands behind his head and a huge grin on his face. Billie had done research on the band members over the past two weeks, and not just about their style. From what he gathered, all of them worked hard and were dedicated to their fan base. Billie respected them, but he wouldn’t tolerate them treating Eli with anything less than the same.
“The hottie has a name,” Billie replied sharply and turned to Eli. “Eli Morgan, with Spartan Security. They’re the company providing personal protection for me as well as your upcoming tour.”
“No disrespect meant,” Holloway replied calmly as he continued to stare at Eli. “It’s very nice to meet you, Eli. Now I’mreally looking forward to the tour.” The heated smile Holloway was giving Eli made Billie want to scream “no, he’s taken,” but he reined in his stupid reaction and focused on the task at hand.
Eli nodded to everyone and gave a quick wave.
“I’ve got all the samples ready for you guys to try on. I want you to walk around in them for a while and see if the clothes are comfortable. I’ve used an alternative to leather that looks and feels the same but has stretch to it. It’s thinner and lighter and my Broadway clients say it’s much cooler on stage under the lights.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Billie. Last time I wore leather pants onstage, I ripped them wide open. The crowd got a nice bonus for their ticket price that night,” Brodie piped up with a gleam in his eye. The rest of the guys chuckled, but Billie noticed Ivan stiffen.
“Productive comments only please,” Ivan barked, and Brodie winked at him in return.
Billie handed out the first set of clothes and waited as the band members went to change. Ivan sauntered over and motioned for Eli to join them.
“We’ve had some changes around here over the past two weeks. We parted ways with Hammond. I spoke with Grey, and he’s willing to take on the band’s PR. His company has an impressive portfolio, so it’s a good fit. I wanted to thank you again for the referral.”
“No problem,” Eli replied. “I’m happy it all worked out. Grey’s boyfriend, Cal, is a huge fan of the band, so I have a feeling it was an easy decision for him.”