Page 30 of Craving Paradise
“You already trying to get rid of me?” she jokes.
She and Freya are currently crashing with me while her home gets renovated. It’s been an adjustment living with women again. Add in the pressure regarding our father and the estate, things at home are strained.
“No, of course not. It’s been nice hanging out with you. You’re never home to do it,” I tell her honestly.
“It’s been nice hanging out with you too, even though you’re annoying,” she says, giving me a wide grin.
“Isn’t that my job to be annoying?”
“You do it so well.” She mocks. “I’ve got a packed schedule after this. Next weekend, the tourism board invited me out to Dubai with some of the top travel influencers. They’re going to film us enjoying the sights and collaborate with us on our content. I’m excited. It’s one of my biggest paid assignments so far,” she explains.
I don’t always understand what her job is and how she makes money, but I’m glad she’s getting these opportunities to show that, yes, thanks to her trust fund, she could start the vlog and be as popular as she is.
As I chat with Autumn, I see Lauren looking my way while continuing her conversation with Freya. I haven’t been able to get her alone yet tonight, and I think she’s doing that on purpose, not wanting to talk to me and explain what the hell is going on.
“Freya and I are then off to America to live the van life for the next couple of months. The two of us in a van should be interesting, especially since Freya is a slob. We’ll probably kill each other after one day.”
I couldn’t imagine anything worse than being cramped into a van for months traveling across America. Sue me. I like my creature comforts.
“Oh, before we start that adventure, I have meetings in LA and New York with potential clients. I’m chatting with a new influencer agency while in New York too. It’s a predominately female company, and they’re supposed to be the best from what I’ve heard. The meeting is with Harper Rose from The Rose Agency. Have you heard of it?”
That name rings a bell. Where have I heard that before?
“Does she have a brother named Sam? If it’s who I think it is, he’s Alex’s brother, Nate’s friend. We’ve hung out with them in New York before.”
“Really?” My sister seems surprised by this.
“Yeah, his family owns the Rose Hotels.”
“That’s them. Wow, what a small world. She’s one of the best agencies for influencers. I’m excited they want to meet with me.”
“You should be. You’ve worked hard to do what you love.” I nudge my shoulder against hers. “Maybe I don’t say it enough, but I’m proud of you.”
“You are?” she asks, surprised by my comment.
“I am. You’ve created this entire brand from nothing. You have millions of followers online. Every single day, you get up and go. People are now paying you to visit their hotel … do their day trip. Your word has value.”
Autumn wraps her arms around me and gives me a big hug. Her green eyes are glassy. “You’re the best,” she says, trying to contain her emotions as she hugs me.
“Don’t tell anyone. It will ruin my image.”
“Secret’s safe.” She giggles. “Hating to ruin the mood, but what’s going on with Dad?”
“He heads off next week to his new rehab facility now that his injuries seem to have healed. I’m still trying to get him to see sense in relinquishing the estate to me.”
“I know you’re butting heads with him, but I want you to know I understand what you are trying to do is what’s best for Dad. I should have supported you more,” she confesses.
It’s probably not the place to be talking about something so serious, but maybe it’s the alcohol letting us talk to each other honestly without egos getting in the way. It’s nice to hear she agrees with what I’m doing.
“I only want what’s best for everyone.”
“I know you do, but seeing Dad like that, I’m sick of going through this.”
“I’m sick of it too. I honestly think it will help his recovery if all he has to worry about is getting better.” I reach out and squeeze her hand.
“It’s time. Ines is taking the stage, quick,” Lauren calls out to the group as the lights of the main stage change. She jumps out of her seat and rushes to the edge of the VIP room, which overlooks the entire mega club. The girls squeal with delight and all rush to the balcony, jumping up and down excitedly. I notice Lauren is at the end, and this is my chance to get her semi-alone.
I take my spot beside her and notice she flinches when I join her. Do I scare her? Is she ashamed or regretting what happened between us?