Page 43 of Craving Paradise
I pull the covers back, and she jumps into bed. Are we going to do this every time I’m with her at the club? Is this our thing? Do I suddenly enjoy cuddling after sex?
“How did your sister’s first weekend at Minx go?”
“She killed it like I knew she would. She’s been so well-received. All the media is calling her a superstar. I knew she was one already,” she tells me proudly.
“That’s amazing. My friend owns Minx … not sure if you knew that already.”
Lauren shakes her head.
“Yeah, he’s followed your sister's career for a while and always raved about her music. He’s super happy with her first weekend there even though he had to miss it because of a family emergency.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, some broken bones, but they wanted to monitor his dad as he was showing stress on his heart. He had to stay a little longer in the hospital, but he’ll be home in a couple of days.”
This is weird chatting about mundane things in bed like a couple, but it feels natural. I’m unsure if I want that as my chest constricts, and I’m finding it hard to breathe. Am I having a heart attack?
“Are you okay? You’ve gone pale suddenly?” Lauren asks me.
“I just remembered I forgot to send some important files for my clients to sign. I should go and do that,” I say, jumping out of bed and dressing quickly.
Lauren slides out of bed. “I’ll leave you to get dressed. Once again, Mr. Fox, it’s been a pleasure. I hope to see you around the club again soon.”
“Sure. Thanks for tonight, it’s been fun.” I hold up my hand for a high five.
Lauren frowns at me as she brings her hand up and slaps it against mine. And with that, she turns on her heel and escapes through the staff exit.
I’m a fucking idiot. What the hell was I thinking?
I shouldn’t have freaked out like that. Now Lauren thinks I’ve lost my mind.
Maybe I have.
I don’t understand how our talking triggered me so badly. Am I really so fucked up that casual intimacy freaks me out?
* * *
“Jasper, over here,” a brunette woman calls out to me.
“Becky?” I question as I greet the beautiful woman. We’ve been talking online, and this is the first time we’ve caught up with each other.
“Hi, it’s so good to finally meet you in real life. I was hoping you weren’t a catfish.” She chuckles, greeting me warmly.
I’ve been caught out before like that.
“I’m real, and so are you,” we joke awkwardly. “Shall we go inside?”
“That would be great. I’ve wanted to try this restaurant for a while, but the waitlist is long. I don’t know how you got us a table at the last minute. You must be well-connected.” She giggles.
“I know the owners,” I say, opening the door for her. They’re clients of mine, and because of that, I always have a table ready for me anytime I want one.
“Oh wow. You are connected.” Becky grins.
That’s the second time she’s said that, which has my skin prickling. Usually, I can spot those kinds of things before we get this far. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt as she did say she’s been wanting to come here for a while, so she could be surprised.
I greet the maître d, who then escorts us to our table. It’s full tonight. The low hum of chatter fills the room.
“Do you mind taking my photo?” Becky asks as we take our seats.