Page 61 of Craving Paradise
I stare as Jasper walks into my family’s charity event looking like pure utter sin. Jasper Fox in a tuxedo—seriously, could he get any more attractive? I watch as the single females in the room notice Jasper, and, like bees to honey, they begin to slowly creep toward his trajectory.
And I don’t like it.
He is not mine,I remind myself.He never will be either because he’s a guest. You can’t cross the line with him no matter how tempting it is.
“You okay?” Elle asks as she hands me my glass of champagne.
“Yes,” I grab the glass from her outstretched hand and knock it back in one large gulp.
Elle’s eyes widen at my action. “You sure? You’re sending daggers across the room, and I’m wondering who has annoyed you.”
“I’m watching those desperate girls swoop on that guy.” I huff.
“He’s hot and looks familiar.”
“They look desperate,” I grumble as I grab another glass from a waiter who walks past. Jasper must feel the weight of my stare from across the room as he looks in my direction.
“Is that who I think it is?” Elle gasps.
“Yes. Mr. Fox is Autumn’s brother.”
“Oh shit.”
Those green eyes flare with need, then turn an almost golden color as heat flashes across them.
“Seems he’s found something to capture his attention over here,” Elle says as she takes a sip of champagne.
“He can look, but he can’t touch.”
“Are you sure because the heated look he is sending across the room suggests something else?”
“He’s a guest. I’m not interested in crossing that line with him.”
“I get it. Now I understand why you have a crush on him. He’s fricken gorgeous in real life,” Elle whispers to me.
That’s not helping me, Elle.
“There are plenty of other hot men here tonight. The event is full of male models who won’t get me into trouble,” I say, letting my gaze scan for anybody else but him.
“This is true. Well, if you have any trouble, just remind him of the rules.”
“Don’t worry, I will.”
It’s time to take our seats. I make my way over to our table where I see Jasper sitting next to my sister.
Why is my sister flirting with him?
The coy slapping of his tuxedo arm.
The flicking of her blonde hair over her backless dress.
Her fake giggle—Jasper isn’t that funny. No man is that funny, and yet my sister thinks he is. What’s even worse is Jasper is playing into it. He’s enjoying my sister’s attention. Whatever. If he wants to fuck my sister, then go for it. I don’t care.
I see my seat, and it’s on the other side of Jasper.
I want to change seats with someone, but everyone is already seated. If I ask to change now, it’s going to look obvious I don’t want to sit next to him. I don’t want to sit next to Jasper and Ines flirting all night.