Page 15 of Sapphire
“My name—my name’s Zoe.”
Ican’t believe they have sent me this angel called Mateo. He’s the shining light in the darkness that is my mind. Every day he visited me in hospital, keeping me company. I don’t know where the hell I would be if he hadn’t been there for me.
Well, I do, I would be dead.
I hate that my mind is this dark, empty abyss I’m trying to sift through. Little bits of information are seeping in at the weirdest times, like that I love strawberries but hate watermelon.
Tomas didn’t look so happy when he walked in on me giving Mateo a hug. I know little about him as he doesn’t hang around as much as Mateo does. Plus, he always has his phone stuck to his ear—I guess he has an important job. I’ve noticed the way the nurses look at them, especially Mateo; they practically swoon over him. I get it, the man is one of the most handsome men I think I have ever seen in my life, plus he is super funny. It’s amazing how quickly a nurse comes to my room when he is around, which is all the time, he never goes home. The only time he leaves me is at night, and even then, he is reluctant. It’s only when Tomas is pulling him out the door that he does. He always reassures me that he will be back in the morning.
“Miss, here’s your hospital release paperwork. I understand you can’t sign your name. But if you could put an X here that will be good enough,” he points to the signature section.
Just then a name flashes through my mind.
I scream.
Tomas and Mateo come rushing in from the corridor.
“My name—my name’s Zoe.”
Unfortunately, that is all that comes to me.
“Zoe?” Mateo says as he stares at me in bewilderment, with Tomas beside him. “I like it,” he says, rushing over to me. He sits on the side of the bed and gives me a blinding smile that warms my cheeks.
It’s hard to not want to crumple under the weight of Mateo’s smile or attention, the man is hot.
My life is already one massive mess, adding falling for your savior to it is not going to help me get any better. I can certainly look at and admire him in my head that is all. Looking up, I see Tomas with a scowl as he stares at Mateo sitting on the bed. Are they together? Hadn’t even thought about it but maybe they are. Tomas’s stare meets me over Mateo’s head, and he gives me a tight smile.
“Zoe, it’s nice to meet you,” he says rather formally.
“Guessing you wouldn’t happen to know your last name then?” the doctor asks.
I shake my head because that is all I remember. What happens if that isn’t my name? And it’s just a name I remember. It could be someone else’s.Then you’re going to be called Zoe for the foreseeable future.
“This is a great start, Miss Zoe. Mateo has all the details regarding your care. I wish you well, young lady, and I hope you get all the answers you need,” the doctor says before wishing me well and moving on to his next patient.
“Zoe. Zoe. Zoe.” Mateo says my name excitedly. “It feels nice having something to call you.”
“Might not be long till you remember more,” Tomas adds.
“Now that I know my name, I don’t have to come home with you both. Point me in the direction of a hotel or hostel, and I’ll work it out.”
“No. I won’t hear of it,” Mateo states.
“Just go with it. Once he’s made up his mind there’s no way of changing it,” Tomas explains.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me coming home with you?” I ask Tomas.
“It’s what Mateo wants.”
I didn’t miss the way he said it’s what Mateo wants not what he does. I will stay one night and then tomorrow I will say my goodbyes and try and find my way home. Mateo is too nice of a human for me to come in and upset his relationship.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” Mateo grins.