Page 50 of Blood Lust
Another tear fell, and my attention dropped briefly to Gabriel. That was my mistake. Mario lunged for me and backhanded me. I stumbled and fell in Gabriel’s blood. I scrambled back as Mario came at me, and I realized I still held the gun. Though I was shaking and I had blood all over my hands, I lifted it with both hands and pulled the trigger.
Mario stopped in his tracks and looked down at the blossoming red spot on his shoulder.
“You bitch,” he snarled and reached for me. I pulled the trigger again, then once more. Mario dropped to his knees, and I heard the crunch of what I assumed was his kneecaps hitting the floor before he fell to the side.
Two more shots rang out, and I jumped, staring wildly at the pistol in my hand. Had I fired it again? A third, then everyone lay on the ground, and I knew it had been someone else.
Alessio came in and swept the room. I crawled to Gabriel. Tears ran unchecked as I lifted his head to my lap. They fell on his face as I sobbed and rocked his lifeless body.
When Alessio deemed it was safe he, rushed to my side. He reached down to Gabriel’s neck with two fingers, but I choked out a sob and cried, “He’s dead.”
“No, he isn’t,” he muttered as he lifted his phone to his ear at the same time as he applied pressure to the wound on Gabriel’s shoulder. I vaguely heard him telling someone to kick it in the ass.
I jerked and looked him in the eye.
“Get me some towels,” he ordered. “I have help on the way.”
As my heart ran wild, I went ice cold and couldn’t move. Everything felt numb, and the room was rocking precariously. “I c-c-can’t breathe,” I gasped.
“Alia. Listen to me. You’re going into shock. I need you to put your head on your knees and breath slowly and evenly. Everything is going to be okay, but I need you.” He stressed the last part, and I blinked rapidly and drew in a deep, shuddering breath. Closing my eyes, I did as he instructed. Then it sank in that he said Gabriel was alive.
It took me a moment, but I shook myself out of whatever had been gripping me in its icy talons. There was time to freak out later, I told myself.
Time stood still, but I did my best to help. I took over for Alessio as he checked on Pietro.
“Look, Alia,” he said firmly as he pointed to where he had unbuttoned Gabriel’s shirt.
Confusion was followed by a sob of relief. “But why isn’t he awake?” I whispered.
“He’s lost quite a bit of blood, but I think it looks like more than it is.” I had no idea if that was true or if he was just saying it. “He probably hit his head too. Like Pietro did,” he added.
I dropped my head and pressed my lips to Gabriel’s brow. “Please hang on, baby. Please. I love you. You can’t leave me justwhen I figured that shit out,” I whispered but it ended with a watery, sobbing laugh.
Alessio went to the front door, and returned with several men in tow. “It’s okay, I called them last night, but I didn’t know I should’ve had them leave then. They’re some friends of ours. It’s going to be okay, Alia. I promise.”
One of the men had two lower-lip piercings and a salt-and-pepper beard. He crouched next to me where I knelt and held a towel over Gabriel’s wound. They all wore black hoodies and had various chains that hung from their belts to their back pockets. The chains swung as they started to move the bodies.
“Alia?” he called softly, and I looked away from what the other guys were doing and gazed at his blue-green eyes. “My name is Decker. Can you let Angel help Gabriel?”
I blinked but couldn’t answer.
Then he reached for me, and I panicked, jerking away and scooting across the floor, but I slipped in the blood again, and he caught me. “Shh, it’s going to be okay,” he promised as he placed his hand on my arm.
A warmth filled me, and for some reason, I believed him. I relaxed, and he helped me to my feet. My knees buckled, and he steadied me. “Thank you. I’m sorry,” I mumbled, suddenly really tired.
“Maybe I should help you into the bathroom so you can get cleaned up,” he gently offered, and I nodded. Then I glanced at Gabriel and saw that his chest was rising and falling as the dark-haired guy named Angel cut away his clothes and did what he could to help. Relief washed through me like a wave, and I followed Decker’s lead.
I was so tired, but I was aware of him using a warm washcloth to wipe my face and my arms.
“If I turn my back, do you think you can change out of those clothes? I’m gonna need to take them with me.”
Dazed, I glanced down at the blood-splattered-and-smeared clothes. I realized he must be a detective and he needed them for evidence. “Okay.”
He set a robe on the bathroom counter and turned to face the room. I had no idea why I trusted him, but maybe after everything that had happened, I just wanted someone else to take over and tell me what to do. In slow motion, I undressed and slipped into the robe that swallowed me and dragged on the floor.
“I’m done,” I murmured.