Page 7 of One Night in Paris
Logan retrieved a condom and put it on, which I appreciated. With protection in place, he stepped over to the bed, dropping to his knees between my splayed legs. The weight of his eyes shifting over me caused a response in my body like nothing I’d ever felt before.
Hooking his thumbs through my panties, he yanked them off me and tossed them across the room near my dress. Surrendering myself to him came naturally. He had control of the situation—and my body.
In full command, Logan spread my knees to the side, my legs bending, baring me to him. Lying back, I bit down on my bottom lip, my heart throbbing in anticipation. His warm breath heated my outer folds before his tongue lashed out to taste me, licking deep, from bottom to top, hitting my most sensitive area with force.
A moan of delight shot out of my mouth. Logan used my approval as a catalyst to drive him forward. Again and again, his rough tongue made contact with my aching pussy. Licking, sucking, probing—the man used his tongue better than most men used a finger. Within seconds, he had me writhing, grinding against him, my eyes rolled back, my mouth open in one continuous gasp.
Lifting his head, Logan kissed his way up my belly to my breasts. Taking the left in his mouth, he sucked through the fabric of my bra, enticing me to a rolling boil that had me begging him, “Please, Logan. Take it off.”
Murmuring against my breast, he repeated, “Take it off?”
I would’ve done it myself, but my fingers weren’t capable of moving, other than clawing at the bed, at the moment. “Please,” I repeated.
Even the vibration from his laughter had me pulsing against him.
Rather than doing what I’d asked, he slid his fingers deep inside me, spreading me wide with three thick digits while his thumb played against my swollen clit. His mouth continued to tease me, often landing on the bared flesh just above my nipple. So close, yet not close enough.
No matter. At the moment, his hand was working wonders, sending spikes of electricity throughout my body. More than anything, I wanted him to sink that massive cock inside me up to the hilt, but I knew he was preparing me for such a meaty dick. He wouldn’t just slip right in like other men might.
While panting and moaning, I managed to reach up for the clasp on my bra, fumbling with it several times before finally springing the ladies free. Logan laughed at me, but when he took my right nipple between his lips and began to suck, the last thought in my mind was amusement. Damn, the man knew how to suck a tit.
He could’ve sent me right over the edge with just his tongue or hand, but right before I reached my peak, he pulled his fingers away, hovering over me with both hands on either side of my shoulders.
Meeting his eyes, I let my mind return to the world for a moment. Despite all that we had done already, he was making sure I was good with this. Grabbing him by the hips, I pulled him to me, catching his smile right before his mouth began to devour mine.
Kissing me so deeply I could taste myself all over his mouth, Logan pushed inside me. My breath caught in my lungs as I braced myself for such an immense cock. Rather than easing himself in and letting me experience that uncomfortable stretching sensation for too long, he thrust his hips forward, causing me to sheath him completely. With a gasp, I got over the shock of it all, and as he began to move his hips in a steady rhythm, I did the same.
Logan’s pace was quick, but he didn’t pound into me. Maintaining complete control of his speed and accuracy, he ground against my clit with every motion. My hands wandered along his strapping body, fingernails grazing his back and the most magnificent ass I’d ever laid my hands on. His attention was back on my breasts, giving each of them equal attention and causing me to lose my grip on the world.
My head tipped backward, my hips rocking up, and an ethereal cry, full of lust, emitted from somewhere deep within me. Pulses of pleasure sent my body into spasms, wave after wave washing over me and carrying me away. Logan simply kept hitting me in all of the right places, never giving me a chance to come down from the sky. Even when we changed positions so I was on my hands and knees with him behind me, he sustained control, his thrusts measured and calculated, never wild or reckless.
Reaching around between my legs, Logan continued to thrust into me as he thumbed my clit, sending me spinning in all new directions. My mind grew fuzzy and bliss overwhelmed me. His grunts and groans told me he was enjoying himself, too, sweat pouring down both of our bodies.
When he withdrew his hand to steady himself on my hip again, my mind cleared just enough for me to take in what was happening. I was in Paris, being ravaged by the most handsome man I’d ever seen, practically a stranger, in a swanky hotel, with no strings attached. Wasn’t this every girl’s dream?
Logan’s thrusts sped up, his grunts deepening, becoming more guttural, and I realized he had almost reached his peak. Bracing myself, I relished the last few moments of passion before he broke into a loud groan and began to vibrate against me. A few final thrusts, and he was finished.
Sweaty and still trembling slightly, I took a deep breath and waited for him to release me. Logan tumbled onto the bed next to me, the moonlight glinting off beads of sweat adorning his handsome face. His chest heaved, also glistening in the faint light. My eyes traveled the length of him. Truly, he resembled one of the many statues we’d seen at the museums we’d visited while on our trip. Perfect in every way, this man had a body that could instantly make any woman wet and dizzy.
“Thank you, Harper,” he muttered, adjusting on the bed so that he was on the pillow. His eyes were still closed, but he was smiling at me.
I was honestly surprised he could remember my name after that. I wasn’t sure I could remember it myself. “Thankyou, Logan,” I murmured.
Patting the pillow next to him, he finally cracked open his eyes so those emerald beauties twinkled back at me. “Stay?”
Not sure what to say, I crawled beneath the blankets and nestled up next to him. He was still on the other side of the bedspread, not caring that he was completely exposed.
Watching him sleep, realization washed over me. Logan was definitely the sexiest man I’d ever met in real life, and I had looked fine tonight. But this wasn’t me—I didn’t normally do things like this. Hell, back home, I didn’t even have time to eat dinner most nights, let alone date. It wasn’t like we were ever going to be able to see each other again. And I’d made up that stupid lie about being a lingerie designer. I should’ve told him the truth—I really doubt he would’ve cared.
He was a student after all.
Shame began to wash over me as I watched him sleep, not for what we’d done but because of how I’d acted. How had I done something so irresponsible? Looking up at the ceiling, I blinked back tears. This was something Mom wasnotgoing to hear about.
A few moments later, I realized I needed to get out of here. I couldn’t let this happen again in the morning. Not when we were both alcohol-free and more rational. I’d be more likely to tell him the truth then, which would only make me feel more like a lying asshole.
Without disturbing him, I managed to roll out of bed and locate my clothes. Putting my panties back on in their wet state was uncomfortable, but I made it work, and then put on the rest of my clothes.
With one final glance at my sleeping Adonis, I snuck out of the hotel room—and back to real life.