Page 22 of Highland Hearts
“Why do you ask?” he said.
“You evade my question which makes me think you are not well.”
“And you evade the truth. Now tell me why you ask that of me,” Cree demanded.
Old Mary shook her head. “You are too observant.”
“I am waiting,” Cree said, making his impatience known.
“I sense a feeling.” She shook her head. “Nay, I feel it. It is what I felt when you were brought prisoner to Clan Carrick, a soullessness of sorts only there is anger with this as well where there was purpose with yours. I do not know its origin, but it lingers and refuses to leave.”
“Does it pose a danger?” Cree asked.
“It can, though I see no outcome for it yet.”
“What do you advise?”
“Tread carefully for whoever it is I feel has nothing more to lose making him a dangerous man.”
* * *
“You cannot hide from Henry,”Lizbeth warned. “I have tried and failed again and again.”
Cavell stepped from behind a thick tree trunk to stare surprisingly at the tiny, pretty lass who stood with her hands planted firmly at her waist.
“What happened to your face?” Lizbeth asked.
That she asked with curiosity rather than shock and disgust had Cavell answering her. “A battle that did not go well for me.”
“You also failed to seek a proper healer,” Lizbeth admonished.
Cavell almost smiled, the little lass a brave one to confront him and without a bit of fear. “Escape mattered more to me.”
“A wise choice,” Lizbeth commended. “What are you doing on my land?”
“You are Cree’s daughter?”
“Lord Cree is my da and he will not be pleased to find you sneaking about,” Lizbeth warned.
“He has to catch me first,” Cavell said with a hint of a smile.
“If I can find you so can my da.”
“How did you find me?” Cavell asked curiously that a small lass could do what grown men had failed to do.
“Henry is teaching me to track since I am annoyed that he locates me all the time. I hope to best him one day,” she said proudly.
“I believe you already have, but then you appear a determined lass.”
“You have not answered my question,” Lizbeth reminded.
“What do you think I am doing here?” Cavell challenged, recalling her query.
“Most likely you’re spying since you are the man who abducted William and my da’s warriors.”
“How do you know that?” he asked, surprised.
“I heard tell that a man with a scarred face was involved in the abduction.”