Page 49 of Highland Hearts
“GET UP!” Cree commanded.
The man stared at the fiery anger in Cree’s eyes and how tight his hands were fisted and wisely remained as he was as he pleaded. “I meant no harm.”
“And yet you caused harm! Get to your feet!” Cree demanded, his anger bubbling like the heat of a boiling pot ready to spew its contents.
The man anxiously glanced about trying to see if there was anyone who could help him, knowing he was no match for the fiery anger of Lord Cree. His eyes suddenly went wide. “Cavell!”
Cree turned. “You know this man?”
“Aye. He is part of the Gallowglass,” Cavell said, walking toward Cree and stopping suddenly, his eyes going wide as he stared beyond Cree.
Cavell was not the only one to remain silent and stare. Complete silence fell over the area, and he silently cursed knowing who had caused it.
“Dawn,” Cree said as he turned and mumbled another curse when he saw his wife.
Her arm was tucked against her bruised side, and she was trying not to lean on her da. He noticed the scrape on her cheek had begun to bruise and there were bits of ground debris in her hair and her braid had fallen loose. Then there was the rip in her garment, but it wasn’t just one rip but more. He had been so relieved to see she was all right that he had not taken as close a look at her that he should have, and he cursed his own foolishness.
Kirk sent him an apologetic look, but Cree knew it was no fault of her da. His wife would have walked here herself if her da had not agreed to accompany her and that would have been worse for her having no one to help her. This was his fault for not seeing her settled in the keep.
Cree went to her, and Kirk eased away from his daughter so Cree could slip a firm arm around her, and she wasted no time in leaning heavily against him.
“You are too stubborn for your own good,” Cree whispered.
Dawn nodded and aching too much to gesture, mouthed,the truth… she winced, a sudden pain piercing her side, a reminder that she indeed had been stubborn and needed to rest, and she tapped at her ear.
Cree understood and guilt washed over him for not considering she would want to hear for herself what had caused the whole debacle.
Cree turned to see everyone staring at them, waiting, and he shouted, “Sloan, bring Cavell, Blaine, and the man on his arse to the Great Hall. Also fetch the two who claim to be monks from the dungeon and bring them as well.”
“Aye, my lord,” Sloan said.
Cree turned back to his wife. “I would carry you, but I fear I may cause you more pain.”
Dawn walked two fingers slowly.
“Aye, we will go slowly,” Cree said.
“I will tell Sloan to take his time,” Kirk said, and Cree nodded.
Cree wished he had had the chance to deliver several harder blows to the man who had caused his wife such pain and discomfort. When they reached the keep and he had seen her settled comfortably in a wooden chair he had made seen more comfortable with several blankets, that once this was done, he might just do that.
The children fussed over their mum while she and Cree assured them that she was fine, though would need some rest.
“You all need to go with Nell,” Cree said and got frowns from all three of his children.
“My lord,” Flanna said, “Turbett hoped the children would help him bake some special sweets for their mum to enjoy later.”
His children turned pleading eyes on him.
“Only if,” Cree said, looking to each one of them. “You make extra for us all to enjoy with Mum.”
The children cried out in delight and Nell smiled with delight herself as she hurried off with them. Though, Valan lingered, his eyes on his mum.
Dawn stretched her hand out to him, and he hurried to take hold and squeeze it tight.
“Forgive me, Mum. I should have obeyed you. I am so sorry,” Valan said, fighting his tears.
Dawn pressed her hand to her chest, then pressed it firm against his.