Page 135 of The Guilty Girl
She eased backwards towards the opening in the floor. Her feet found the ladder and she climbed down into the room below and stood beside a window with a broken pane of glass.
She inhaled air from outside. Garda Lei was standing beside the car and she hoped Sharon was safely inside. Where was the ambulance?
The ladder creaked and she whirled round on the balls of her feet. A pair of legs in a grey tracksuit and expensive-looking high-top trainers climbed down with ease.
Moving to the doorway to block the boy’s escape, Lottie was surprised when he stood staring at her, the chain wrapped tight on his hand, thumping his thigh.
‘I didn’t touch Jake. None of us did.’
‘I never said that.’
‘A pig was snooping around asking about us.’
‘That was Garda Lei. We’d like a chat with you. Come on, Oscar.’
‘Did Shaz tell you my name?’
‘We found out about you ourselves.’ So he knew the girl.
‘Bet it was the cop on the bike. He’s always trying to catch us. We’re too fast for him.’
Why had Sharon called him evil? He was nothing more than a cocky teenager. Still, he had the bicycle chain in his hand. She had to play it cool.
‘Come on, I’ll buy you a McDonald’s. I bet you’re starving.’
He licked his lips, his face a mask of indecision. ‘Okay, but you go first.’
‘Fine,’ she said. ‘Don’t disappear when my back is turned.’
She moved out of the room to the landing and cast a look over her shoulder to make sure he was following. She had gone down four steps when the clink of the chain alerted her to what was coming. Rookie mistake. The whack to the back of her head sent her stumbling downwards. She yelled, or at least she thought she did, as first her head cracked against the wall, then her spine, and down she tumbled into the detritus on the ground floor.
She didn’t even see stars as the black curtain fell heavily on her world.
* * *
Everything is spiralling out of control. My feathers come loose and flutter away on the whim of a breeze.
The shiny things I’ve coveted are now corroded and poisonous.
Youthful innocence is no longer sufficient for me.
I flounder around in circles like never before.
I am in trouble.
I need to clear out my nest, put my affairs in order, gather my associates close and my enemies closer.
It is time for the magpie to find a new nest.
Garda Lei was standing over her when Lottie opened her eyes. A relieved smile broke across his youthful face.
‘Don’t move, Inspector, I’ve called another ambulance.’
Pain spiked as she groaned. ‘You what? Cancel it. Don’t need it.’
She attempted to stand on the filthy floor, but her legs wobbled in sync with her throbbing head and she gave up the attempt. She felt under her hair, surprised when her fingers came away bloody.