Page 54 of The Guilty Girl
He was listening to an audio book. At that age? In Boyd’s day, the only entertainment available was hitting a sliotar against a wall, or reading a second-hand Beano.
‘No, it doesn’t.’ He hadn’t even a window with decent light.
Sergio looked over, a furrow between his eyes. ‘Where do you go to sit in the sun?’
‘No time for sunbathing. My job takes up a lot of my time.’
The boy considered him for a moment, cocking his head to one side, his dark hair flopping over his eyebrows. ‘Is it even sunny where you live?’
‘Sometimes.’ Boyd realised Sergio was in for a shock when he arrived in Ragmullin.
‘Mamá told me it rains all the time there, that’s why she likes living here. When will she be back?’
That same question, asked multiple times a day. Boyd had opened his mouth to reply when the shrill tone of his phone cut through the air.
He went over and leaned on the balustrade, tutting at the dust smudged along the railing. Looking out over the rooftops, he watched a cruise liner slipping into Malaga port, remembering when he and Lottie had been here interviewing a crime lord in connection with an investigation. So much had happened since then.
‘Hello, Lottie Parker! I was just thinking of you.’
‘And here I was believing you were thinking of me all the time. I’m disappointed in you, Boyd.’ She laughed, and he felt a warm fuzziness in his chest.
‘You’re never out of my mind. I’m delighted you rang. I’m really missing you.’ Damn, he said that every time.
‘What’s the weather like?’
‘Raining,’ he said. ‘All the time.’
‘Liar.’ That soft, caressing laugh again and Boyd felt his cheeks flush. She continued, ‘I need a favour.’
Of course there was a catch, but it was still good to hear her voice. ‘A new case?’
‘A teenage girl was murdered after a party in her home last night, early this morning. Her parents were on a three-week break in Malaga. They own an apartment in the city. I know you’re staying in an area popular with Irish residents. I’m wondering if you can do a little digging for me. I have the address.’
‘I’ll do what I can, but I have to watch Sergio too.’
‘How are you getting on with him?’
‘Fine. He’s here with me now, soaking up the rays. Listen, why don’t you grab a couple of days and join us in the sun before I head home?’
‘You know very well I can’t do that, especially with this new investigation.’ She paused, and he listened to her breathing, wishing he could be there with her. ‘Anyway, aren’t you coming home on Monday?’
‘Barring you-know-who reappearing. Tell me more about this favour.’
‘Like I said, a seventeen-year-old girl was found dead in her home this morning. She had multiple stab wounds. I’m waiting for the post-mortem to see if there was also a sexual assault. The thing is, her parents flew back from Malaga as planned this morning, without any knowledge of what had happened to their daughter.’
Boyd felt a flutter of unease. ‘Go on.’
‘The girl’s name is Lucy and her parents are Mary and Albert McAllister.’
‘Bloody hell. I was only talking to them this morning, just before they left.’
‘You were? That’s so weird. I never thought for a moment you’d actually know them.’
‘I don’t know them as such. Bumped into them a few times. You’re right, they own an apartment not too far from where I am now. God almighty, they’ll be devastated.’
‘I’ve spoken with them. It never gets easy, does it?’