Page 83 of The Guilty Girl
‘A sandwich.’
She looked over her shoulder, hands dripping water onto the floor. ‘A sandwich? For your dinner?’
‘What about it?’
‘Nothing.’ She grabbed a tea towel and placed the dried mug on the counter.
‘Don’t leave it there.’
Opening a cupboard door, she wished she was in Malaga with Boyd.
‘Not that one, the one beside it. Are you stupid?’
Lottie stared at Rose.
‘Don’t look at me like that. For God’s sake, why can’t anyone do what I want and do it right?’
Drying her hands, she concluded that her mother didn’t look well. ‘I think I’ll call your doctor.’
‘Why would you do that? Anyway, it’s after hours and he doesn’t make house calls.’
‘I’ll leave a message requesting an appointment for you.’
‘Stop fussing. I’ll be fine. It’s just a cold.’
‘All the same, I’ll organise an appointment.’ In the hall, she found her mother’s coat. ‘Put this on. You’re coming home with me.’
‘In your dreams,’ Rose scoffed, before doubling up, coughing. ‘If I’m going to die, I’ll die in my own house.’ She folded her arms over the lurid blanket, and her grumpy, resolute face defied Lottie to cross her.
When Rose was in this mood, it was torture to argue with her. But she wasn’t well and Lottie knew she couldn’t leave her alone.
‘I’ll pack some clothes for you. You’re staying with me for a few days.’
‘Over my dead body.’
‘Mother, you’ll be better off with me. I’ll look after you.’ She had no idea how that would work out and thought that perhaps it wasn’t one of her better ideas.
‘You? Look after me?’ Rose was on a roll. ‘Don’t make me laugh.’
‘Sean has school holidays, and little Louis loves you.’ Even if you make life difficult for everyone, Lottie added in her mind. ‘Tomorrow is Sunday, so Katie won’t be working.’ Sunday! Shit, she wouldn’t get a doctor’s appointment until Monday.
‘I’ve been on my own this long. I can manage another few months, then I’ll be out of your hair for good.’
‘Don’t talk rubbish.’ She had never before heard Rose being so fatalistic. Today was not a good day for this conversation, with her ears still ringing from Farrell’s fury.
‘Just go home, Lottie.’ Rose doubled up in another coughing fit. It was a moment before she caught her breath. ‘I didn’t ask you to call round. I can manage.’
It didn’t look like she was managing very well at all.
‘Hard luck, Mother, because I insist.’
‘You’re good at that,’ Rose said.
‘Giving orders.’
Lottie threw her hands in the air. ‘Right. You know, it’d be a whole lot easier for me to leave you here.’ Belatedly she tried to reel in her tantrum. ‘But you raised me to care about people. I might not always show it, but I do care for you, Mother. Okay?’