Page 86 of The Guilty Girl
‘You love him all the same.’
‘Of course I do. Just like you love Granny Rose even though you give out about her.’
‘Point taken.’
Sean shifted uncomfortably. ‘I’m sorry for not telling you I went back to Lucy’s.’
‘Superintendent Farrell threatened to take me off the case.’
‘I couldn’t lie to Detective McKeown.’
‘You should have told me.’
‘I tried. I called you earlier today, but you said you were busy. You’re always busy.’
‘I might have some free time soon, if McKeown and the super have their way.’
Lottie straightened up. ‘Tell me all.’
‘I will, if you stop being a cop and just be my mam for a few minutes.’
She caught his grin. ‘This is my mam face. Go on.’
Sean relaxed. ‘When I was walking back to Lucy’s, it was pitch dark. I hate the countryside for that reason, but anyway, I used the torch on my phone. A car sped by, weaving across the road. I couldn’t see who was driving, but I think it was the same car Jake Flood had. He’s the guy Cormac said was selling drugs. I saw the appeal, his photo and a description of the car on Facebook.’
‘And this was around four a.m.?’
‘Yeah. Then a few minutes after that, a kid on a bicycle rode by in a huge hurry.’
‘Did you see this cyclist at the party?’
‘No. But cycling at four in the morning? That was weird.’
He had Lottie’s full attention.
‘What happened when you reached the house?’
‘Door was open. I went in. Lights were on. Living room was a mess, and all that blood. The patio door was smashed, as if someone had been pushed or had fallen through the glass. I wanted to get the hell out of there, and then I thought I heard footsteps on the stairs.’
‘Did you hear anything else?’
He dropped his eyes. Hiding something? ‘Like what?’
‘Like someone talking?’
‘Yeah. There might have been two of them.’
‘Male or female?’
‘I’m not sure.’
‘Go on.’
‘I hid in the kitchen. Then I heard a screech. Sounded like a girl, but I was scared shitless, so I’m not sure. After that, it went quiet. There were drops of blood on the kitchen floor, and even though I was terrified, I had an urge to go up the back stairs. That’s … that’s when I saw what had happened to Lucy.’
‘Did you touch her body or anything in the room?’