Page 72 of Three Widows
As Martina got busy, McKeown walked the perimeter, which was lined by hedges. There was a concrete yard either side leading to a paved space at the rear. Easy enough for someone to drive a car round and into the unit. The security door was similar to the one at the front. The rear was used to bring stuff in and out. Was the car there before Jennifer rented the unit, or had she rented it for this specific purpose? When they found out who owned the car, they might have an answer.
Turning, he bumped into Martina. He knew from her flushed face that she had the name of the vehicle owner.
‘You won’t believe this,’ she said.
‘Try me.’
‘It’s registered to a man who disappeared a year ago. Tyler Keating.’
‘Really? I wasn’t here then, but I heard Kirby talking about it this morning.’
‘The thing is, like Jennifer, Tyler Keating’s wife Orla is a member of the Life After Loss widows’ group.’
Jane Dore, the state pathologist, had just arrived back at Tullamore hospital from her preliminary examination of the scene at the lake when Lottie reached her on the phone.
‘Hi, Lottie. The body isn’t here yet.’
‘Did you get to have a look at her face? I need confirmation that it’s Éilis Lawlor.’
‘Garda Lei showed me the missing woman’s photograph. It’s her.’
Emitting a long, low sigh, Lottie said, ‘I knew it was, but it’s still a shock. Her poor kids.’
‘I’d hate your job, having to tell them.’
‘Yeah, but I wouldn’t swap with you. Shares in Vicks VapoRub would sky-rocket. What can you tell me?’
‘Not much until her body arrives. Similar injuries to your first victim. I could see splinters of timber snagged in her wounds. Her eyes have been removed.’
‘Good Lord. Was she killed by a gunshot?’
‘No, and I didn’t see any sign of what did kill her. You’ll have to wait for the post-mortem.’
‘How long has she been dead?’
‘The weather has been warm and we don’t know how long she’s been outside. Maybe six hours, but don’t quote me. From visual inspection, I didn’t notice any frostbite.’
‘Are you saying it might not be the same killer?’
‘I can’t answer that, Lottie. The physical injuries that I could see suggest she was killed by the same person who murdered Jennifer O’Loughlin, but I can’t confirm it until I do the post-mortem.’
‘That’s fine. Thanks, Jane.’
After hanging up, Lottie stared at the wall in her office. All she could think of was the worried faces of Éilis’s children. She hated her job at times like this. She would wait for Helena to identify the body before breaking the terrible news to Roman and Becky. And, she hoped the media didn’t go public with the story before that.
She needed to talk to her superintendent. For that, she needed support.
‘Boyd. You’re with me.’
Superintendent Farrell stood at the window, her back to them. She turned around and fixed Lottie with a sharp glare.
‘What is your rationale for requesting a security detail for this Helena McCaul?’
Lottie’s update hadn’t panned out the way she’d expected. The super was latching on to one aspect alone. ‘Both of the dead women were members of this Life After Loss group, and so is Helena. She could be next.’
‘You think so, do you? You should investigate the group a bit more. Maybe our killer is someone with a grudge against the women. Find out who else is involved in it. I’m sure there are others besides this McCaul woman.’