Page 44 of Princess's Revenge
“Hey, how’s that thing on the Esplanade going?”
“7am in the morning and that’s what you’re calling to ask about? Yeah right. What do you know?”
I act confused. “What doIknow? What do you mean—What do I know?”
“I mean you wouldn’t be calling me at the frigging crack of ass unless you knew something.”
“Knew something about what?”
He huffs out a breath, “Look, I’ve got a situation here. I don’t have time to fuck around. If you know something, start talking. Otherwise…”
I pause to make it sound like I’m hesitant, then say, “I might have a situation myself. I was wondering if you’d heard anything?”
“Heard anything about what?”
“You know…anything…anything going on?”
I add another long pause before saying, “Armenians.”
“Yeah, Armenians.”
“Armenians, huh?” He says it like it makes sense.
“Yeah. Heard anything?”
“Maybe…” I can practically see him nodding through the phone…like he’s thinking.This is working.“Our friend with the stomach?”He’s talking about another capo named, Bennie Lupo.When we say ‘our friend’ that means he’s a ‘made guy’.
“There was a thing yesterday with one of his guys. Armenians maybe. I don’t know.”
“A thing?”
“Was doing his collections. He won’t be coming back.”
“Listen,” I try to sound worried, “this might be a problem. If you hear anything, I’d consider it a favor to me personally, if you’d let me know.”
“Same with you?”
“Of course.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to you.”
“Whew,” I look at Francis, “that was fucking close.”
“Did he buy it?”
“Who the fuck knows? I think so. Time will tell. You need evidence before you accuse somebody. At least now he’s looking in the wrong direction. Word will spread. He trusts me.”
“Okay, I gotta go. I’m late. I’m sorry Anthony.”
“Yeah,” I pat my brother on the back as I push him out the door.