Page 47 of Princess's Revenge
“But you can’t just go around killing whoever you feel like.”
Her fork lands on her plate with a clatter, “Why the fuck not?”
“Because they’re not all bad guys, Andrea. The man you shot yesterday might’ve had a wife and kids. Soldiers just do what they’re told.”
“You’re telling me that fat asshole never killed anyone before?”
I shrug, “He probably did, but as of yesterday, so did you. All I’m saying is that you have to be more diplomatic about this whole thing.”
“And how do you propose we do that?”
“The man who gave the order to kill your family, was old man Cassaduchi. The guy who carried it out is a capo named Joshua de Soto.”
“Then I’m going to kill them.”
I almost want to laugh at how single minded she is, but I hold it back. “Sure them, they can go, but there are other guys who are friends of ours. They weren’t on board with taking out your father, butour thing,isn’t a democracy. Do you understand?”
“So, you want me to leave some of them alive?”
“We’ve got to be surgical about this is what I’m saying. I know the structure of their organization, so letmepick the targets. If we can get rid of the key guys who support the old man without question, then we might have a shot at a peaceful resolution.”
“Well, I know these guys. If I were to tell them that we were going to make a move on old man Cassaduchi and when the dust settled, it’d be business as usual, they wouldn’t openly support us, but they wouldn’t stop us either. They’d say—Do what you gotta do.”
Andrea seems lost in thought, then says, “Stand up for a second please,” as she comes over to me. She pulls down my zipper and sticks her hand in and pulls out my cock—I’m still hard from when she kissed me.
I laugh.
“Is this thing evernotready to go?”
“Not when it’s around you.”
She pushes me back down on my chair, moves her underwear to the side and sits her pussy down on my cock.
I grunt in satisfaction from the pleasure of it. She takes all of me, but doesn’t move.
She kisses me hard and I feel myself stiffen to the point where it hurts. “Your father isn’t going to allow this.”
I cup her breast and kiss her neck, “He doesn’t have to know right away.”
“You’ll keep it a secret?” She writhes and pushes my face to her tits.
“As long as we can.”
“I’m going to bring Chrissy in on this.”
“Good,” she pushes my head back and sucks my tongue…it’s her signature move and makes me want to explode in her right now.
Suddenly she stands…leaving my cock slick with her juices…and goes back to her side of the table.
“Find me my second target. We’re doing it tonight.”
Such a tease…