Page 49 of Princess's Revenge
She smiles, “What?”
“I could eat you alive!”
She comes to me and leans over so I’ve got a good view of her cleavage in the low-cut neck that pushes her breasts together—in a way that makes me want to stick my tongue between them—then gives me a soft kiss.
She stands back and thumbs my lips, “I take it this is okay then?”
“Oh, hell yeah.”
“Whoever bought all this stuff, tell them—Thank you.It’s incredible!”
I still can’t get over how gorgeous she looks. “We had a lady at the boutique choose everything. We told her to give us all the best stuff.” I have half a mind to forget about thismissionof Anthony’s and just stay in tonight.
“What?” Andrea smiles shaking me back to the present.
I was staring. “Sorry, I was fantasizing about giving you a bath with my tongue.”
She throws her head back with laughter! “Well the sooner we get there, the sooner we can get back.Somedreamscanbecome realities. Let’s go.”
It’s a bit of a drive to New York City, but it goes by fast in a Maserati. I focus on the road while Andrea plays with the radio like usual.
“So, where are we going?”
“Anthony didn’t tell you?”
“Nope, I told him to find me another target. It’s going to be hard to hide a gun in this dress though,” she looks at me and her eyes sparkle, “if we’re just going out dancing, that’s fine too.”
I feel like pulling over for a quickie.“Anthony doesn’t want to blindside anybody. He thinks it’ll be better if we’re up front about things, so he wants certain people to see you. We’re not killing anyone tonight.”
“That’s a shame. Wouldn’t it be better if we surprised them?”
“I don’t think so. It would hurt the transition.”
“Of power. Anthony doesn’t just want to redraw things the way they were. He thinks we should take the Cassaduchi territory too.”
“Are you serious? He said it’s been this way for over a hundred years, are they really going to allow that?”
“I know, I was pretty shocked when Anthony told me too, but I think he’s right. If we’ve got support from the right capos, it can happen.”
“And whatexactlyis tonight about then?”
“Pretty much like poking a hornet’s nest.” I only mean to touch her leg reassuringly, but when I feel that soft, smooth skin…my fingers want to travel. I quickly put my hand back on the wheel.
Andrea laughs at me, then leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Your father knows nothing of this I take it?”
“No. Tell you the truth, we’ve been feeling like he should’ve stepped down a while ago. He’s my father and I love him, but there’s a bigger picture here that he can’t see.”
“I feel the same way,” she sighs.
We listen to the radio for the rest of the drive and Andrea takes in the sights as we hit the busy Manhattan streets.
When we get to the street the club is on, Andrea cranes her neck to see where we’re headed. The place is called—Buono Fortuna.‘Good luck’ in Italian.