Page 56 of Princess's Revenge
We listen to the sounds of each other’s breathing. Being this close to her, our skin touching…it’s heaven…it’s everything I want.
All I can think about is tasting Andrea’s flesh, but the bomb my father just dropped on us needs to be addressed first.
I bury my face in her hair and breath in the scent. “My father is not a bad man, Andrea. I was listening to them after you left…before I came here to your room…he was never going to turn you over to them. He wasn’t going to kill you either.”
“Are you sure about that? Are you certain that if Anthony hadn’t known about me that your father wouldn’t have had me killed?”
I honestly don’t know anymore…but I want to believe in my father. Ihaveto. If I don’t—we’re lost.“I’m sure, Andrea. He wanted to give you a better life. He wanted to hide you. It’s just like that first day when we spoke out on the balcony. Do you remember?”
“I do.”
I hold her closer and consider my words. “You can be anything you want, Andrea. You can beanyone. If you leavehere, we can set you up anywhere in the world…for life. This doesn’t have to end in war.”
Right then, I realize the gravity of my words. I don’t want to lose her…and here I am telling her that she should go.
She whispers, “Doyouwantme to leave?” she sounds so vulnerable…I want to hold on to her and never let go.
“No,” I whisper back, “I don’t.”
She turns around in my arms and we’re nose to nose now, staring into each other’s eyes. “Will you fight for me?” The words that escape her lips are now even softer than a whisper.
I mean it with all my heart when I say, “I’d die for you.”
Her lips meet mine and she forces me down on my back to get on top. Her tongue goes deep and she kisses me like she’s trying to take a part of my soul with her…or maybe give me a piece of hers.
She slows to a stop and bites my lip, whispering once more, “Here’s something I didn’t do with your brothers.”
“What?” I find myself whispering too…the moment is too intimate for anything else.
“I’ll show you.”
She kisses my chest and her head goes beneath the covers, nipping and kissing her way lower and lower.I’m harder than a lead pipe.
I feel her soft, full breasts move over my rock-hard meat and I stiffen like I’m ready to blow. I can’t see anything…it’s the sensation…my imagination.
I want to suck on her tits till her nipples are raw from my effort.
I keep all those thoughts to myself and lie still. I haven’t been with as many women as my brothers have.
They always told me that women would try to use me for my money and my position in this family.
Even worse…they could be undercover law enforcement and trying to get information from me.
Those fears have always caused me to keep people at arm’s length. I wasn’t ever allowed to love anyone…not until Andrea.
Her hand goes my shaft, then another hand joins it. I feel her lick and kiss my tip, rolling her tongue around it.
I’m so hard it hurts.
She licks up and down the length of my shaft, taking her time, making me slick.
I’ve been with whores before, but never with anyone I cared about.
Never anyone I loved.
She’s doing everything by feel. She can’t possibly see anything under there. I’m grateful. I would love to watch her…but not to make eye contact.It’s weird…I’ve never had someone I love do something like this to me.
I’ve always thought only whores give blow jobs. The woman you marry won’t do things like this.