Page 79 of Princess's Revenge
He licks his lips and blinks the sweat out of his eyes, “Andrea, please. Not like this.”He can plead all he wants, butthis was only ever going to end one way. “We can work something out, there’s always something we can—”
I give Christopher a look and he punches Josh in the face.
When he recovers from the blow, I grab his shirt, “Aside from begging like a bitch, any last words?”
“It was never personal, Andrea, you have to believe that, it was just busine—”
I let go and Christopher hits him again on my cue, shutting him the fuck up.
I grab Josh’s collar and look him in the eyes,“Everything is personal.”
I push him into the cold furnace and he rolls with the ease of an ice cube on a hot tray.
“Wait! WAIT! Andrea! PLEASE!”
He cranes his neck to speak from inside the furnace, “Don’t do this to me! Please! I don’t want to die like this. Show some mercy. I’m begging you. Just give me a bullet! The result is the same!”
“Not to me it’s not, this is your preview of hell. Let them know I’m coming, I’m taking over when I get there.”
I shut the door and hit the big red button to the start the incinerator.
The sounds of Joshua’s screams are a symphony—That’s the kind of suffering I’ve dreamed of…and now he’s living it.I savor it all, knowing that each shriek of soul shredding agony and melted flesh helps Mikey, Daniel, my mother and my father…smile…somewhere in heaven.
Now, we’re done.
It’s a week later and we’re all seated in the private dining area of a lovely restaurant called—Puccini’s.
It’s not just me and my lovers. Vincenzo Bertinelli is here too, as are three Lupertazzi captains we haven’t seen in a long time, Angelo, Reggie and Peter.
Also in intendance are Don Torrio with his six captains and Leo Abruzzi with the other four Cassaduchi captains, Dickie, Paulie, Mitch and Sonny.
Don Torrio stands and taps his champagne flute. It’s speech time.
“It’s been a long time since we were all in one room together. There’s been too much bad blood. Let me be the first to say—I look forward to a new era of peace, prosperity and friendship under Donna Andrea Lupertazzi’s leadership.” He nods to me and raises his glass,“Cent’anni.”
Everyone clinks their glasses with whomever is nearest and they all say, “Cent’anni.” It means—One hundred years.
If I take care of myself, I could live that long!
Leo Abruzzi stands next. “People who wanna be boss,” he shrugs, “they should know, huh?”
Everyone laughs and smiles.
“In light of recent events, I’ve been elected to speak on behalf ofour thing,and we want you to know, Donna Lupertazzi, that no one on this side is going to be stepping up. We figure, all things considered, we’ll be kicking up to you…if you’re okay with that?”
He sits. He means that sinceIkilled their boss,I’mtheir boss now, because they aren’t going to fight amongst themselves for succession. It was the plan all along, he’s simply making it official in front of everybody.
I stand to make a speech of my own.
“Thank you, Leo. I accept. I also want to thank you for making this transition smooth for everybody. You’ve been a good friend to my family. I take you as my underboss. Everyone should know, when Leo speaks, he is doing so with my voice.” I pause then raise my glass to him, “Cent’anni.”
Everyone clinks glasses again and cheers Leo.
When they’re done, I speak once more, “Don Torrio, thank you for your kind words. You support has meant everything. You were a friend to my father…and in recent times you have shown your friendship to me as well. May it ever continue to be so. We will do great things together.”