Page 37 of Rebel's Fairytale
Once he was fully seated inside of her, he paused and took a few deep breaths. She totally understood because she had never felt so full, but if he didn’t begin to move, she was going to riot.
He had just begun to slide out, when his phone rang with a ringtone she had never heard from his phone before.
Rebel’s greenish-brown eyes looked down at her. “That’s Axle. It ca—“
“I swear to God if you stop right now, I will kill you,” Bri growled, surprising herself with the vehemence in her tone.
Rebel grinned. “The whole town could be on fire, and I wouldn’t stop fucking you, right now, Ruby.” With that, he pulled out and slammed back in, making her moan.
He set a hard and steady pace, curling his hips up just right at the end, hitting her exactly where she needed it. Bri couldn’t even worry about what she looked or sounded like. He was scrambling her brain with the sensations he was causing.
When his hand found her breast, and his lips took hers in a sensual kiss, her core clenched hard around him.
“Next time,” he whispered against her lips, “I will taste this body from head to toe.”
“Yes,” she cried out as his hand slid down her body, and his thumb found her clit.
“But this time, I want you to come on my cock, Ruby.” Then he kissed across her cheek and down her neck to where it met her shoulder. He latched onto the skin there and sucked, sending her over the edge.
As her body drowned in a sea of pleasure, she heard him call out his name for her and felt him slam inside of her one last time.
His heart was still racing as Rebel took care of the condom and returned to her bedroom with a warm washcloth to clean Ruby up. As he wiped her clean, he bent down and traced the tattoo on her thigh, a stack of books with a teacup on top, with his tongue. It was just another sexy secret his beautiful, sweet librarian had. After taking care of her, he kissed her lips.
“Gotta check on what Axle wanted. Be right back.”
With a blissfully sated look on her face, she gave him a nod and snuggled into her pillow.
Feeling proud of himself, Rebel snatched his jeans off the floor and pulled them on. He grabbed his phone from his cut and stepped out into the hallway. Unlocking his phone, he pressed redial and put the phone to his ear.
After two rings, Axle answered, “Hey.”
“Yeah?” Rebel tried to calm his breathing, but he knew Axle was going to be able to tell.
“I stopped by your place to talk to the twins about prospecting and what that means. They said you flew out of there like a bat out of hell. Everything good?”
“Yeah. Things are good.”
He heard the amusement in his president’s voice when he asked, “So what ya doing, Reb?”
Rebel huffed out a breath. “I’m at Ruby’s. Is that all you needed?”
Axle chuckled. “Yup. Well, and we have church at 10.”
“Okay. I’ll be there.”
“Try and get some rest at some point.”
And that’s when Rebel hung up the phone on his laughing president.
After getting the kids in bed and taking a long, hot shower, Rock pulled on a pair of pajama pants and climbed into bed. That was one con to being a parent. He couldn’t just collapse naked in bed. If his daughter had a nightmare, it wouldn’t be good if she walked in and got a look at her father’s johnson.
Once he was in bed, he grabbed his phone off the charger and dialed up Diamond. He needed to check in and see how packing was going, but really, he just wanted to hear her voice. He missed her like hell.
After he claimed her with the club, something shifted in him. He knew in his soul that Lace was happy for them. That helped in dropping the last wall he had up. The fact that his family was supportive of their relationship was the most important thing to him, but truthfully, it was about him opening himself up to the possibility of having a true relationship with her. With a relationship came the possibility of being hurt. That was what had held him back for so long. However, Diamond wasn’t Lace. He couldn’t keep making her pay for Lace’s actions.