Page 64 of Rebel's Fairytale
“Not here,” Rock blurted. Then, he cleared his throat and rounded the table, ignoring his brother’s snickering. When he reached her, he took her hand and led her down the back hall to the women’s bathroom.
After knocking on the door, opening it, and calling out to make sure no one was in there, he dragged her inside. He shut and locked the door. “Okay. Let me see,” he said as he turned to face her.
Diamond bit that bottom lip again, driving him fucking crazy. Then, she pulled her shirt up from the bottom and showed him the bandage just above the waistband of her leggings.
Crouching down, Rock carefully peeled the bandage back and looked over the tattoo. Below the Howlers logo, in bold script, were the wordsRock’s Rewardwith a diamond for theo,the apostrophe, and inside thea. He fucking loved it. After replacing the bandage, Rock placed a soft kiss over it. Then, he gripped the waistband of her leggings and yanked down.
“Rock,” Diamond gasped out and gripped his shoulders as he went to work on removing her shoes, leggings, and panties.
“I’m going to show you how I feel about it, and you’re just going to let me,” he said as he kissed his way up her thighs. When he got to the apex, he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and dove in.
He’d been with her enough times to know exactly where and how to lick and suck. Holding her up with one hand, he used two fingers of his other hand to help bring her to her first orgasm.
Once he had licked her clean, he stood and gripped her hips. Lifting her to the edge of the counter, he kissed her lips. Then, he went about pulling out his cock and slipping on a condom he retrieved from his wallet.
His woman was going to feel boneless by the time he was done with her. Then he’d feed her, rehydrate her, and do it all over again.
When Ruby walked in with the Ol’ Ladies, Rebel’s first thought was that he liked that. Seeing her with the other women of the club family made his heart clench with happiness and rightness.
His second thought wasOh shit. Ruby’s pissed.
The other women went to their men, but Ruby stopped just inside the door. As he approached, she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.
“It’s not a big deal, Sweetie,” he said quietly.
“Not a big deal? It’s your birthday, Rebel.”
He leaned forward to kiss her, but she turned her head. He kissed her cheek instead and fought the smile that threatened to appear on his face. “I should have told you. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, ya think?” She rolled her eyes. “I guess I forgive you, but I’m still irritated.”
“Does that mean you aren’t coming home with me?”
She shifted on her feet and dropped her gaze to his chest. “I didn’t say that. But I’mnotstaying the night. That’s your punishment for keeping it from me.”
As much as he didn’t like sleeping away from her, he wouldn’t push her on it. After all, she was mad because she wanted to celebrate him. How could he fight her on that?
“So, you’re saying I’ll have to fuck you before I follow you home?”
The corner of her mouth twitched as she fought her smile. “You think you can fuck me until I forget?”
Rebel shrugged. “Sounds like a viable plan to me.”
The Next Day… Ruby
Still a little irritated with Rebel that he didn’t tell her it was his birthday, she had used her annoyance to her advantage. Like always, when annoyed, she was quick with her decisions, efficient in her movements, and could organize like a motherfucker.
That was how she managed to get everything she needed for his birthday party within an hour, except for his present. His present took her longer to figure out. Bri didn’t want to get him something stupid. She wanted it to be a gift he appreciated, enjoyed, cherished.
She decided on a signed copy of the book she was reading when they met, but it was going to take a few days to get to him. So, she printed the order and put it in a box. Then, she did something sheneverthought she would do in her life.
Dressed in her favorite set of black satin and lace lingerie, her leather jacket, and her heeled boots, she set up her phone on a stand and took a video of her doing a routine on her pole. When she was done, she took screen grabs of her favorite, most flattering moments, and printed them out. After putting them in a small photo album, she wrapped it.
When she arrived at his house, she was nervous. Would he like the gifts, or would he think they were stupid? She was glad she decided to show up a couple hours early to set up. It would allow her time to get over the humiliation if he didn’t like them.
As she approached his front door, she gave herself a pep talk. He thinks you’re beautiful and badass, because you are! You’re a badass babe and you’re hot, and you’re not going to be embarrassed.