Page 90 of Rebel's Fairytale
Get your mind back to the issue, Rock!
”Iamsorry. I shouldn’t have made a plan without discussing it with you first.”
She nodded, eyes still on her e-reader. “That’s better.”
Rock fought the smile that threatened to grow on his face. “I promise not to make plans about anything that has to do with you without discussing it with you first.”
Diamond was quiet as she turned and set her e-reader on the side table. Then, she looked over at him and smiled. “There it is. Welcome back, my love.” Giggling, she pulled back the blankets and raised a brow in invitation.
Despite his recent decisions, Rock wouldn’t classify himself as a stupid man. Without hesitation, he dove into that bed and set about ravishing his woman.
The knock on Axle’s office door pulled him out of his concentration on paying the bills for the club house, the apartment building, and the auto shop. He shut the laptop and called out, “Yeah?”
The door opened and Pike looked in. “You busy? Dan Williams is here.”
Oh shit.“Okay. Show him in.”
Pike looked down the hall and made some hand movements. A few seconds later, a disheveled and anxious Daniel Williams stepped through the door and eyed Pike curiously as Pike came in behind him, shutting the door.
“I need to talk to Axle alone,” he told Pike.
Pike just chuckled and leaned back against the door, crossing his arms over his chest.
“He’s not going anywhere,” Axle said and pointed to one of the chairs across the desk from him. “Sit. Tell me what you want.”
Daniel took a seat and cleared his throat. “I… uh… My brother and I… Well…”
“You what?”
The man cringed. “Chuck wasn’t a fan of… you guys. He started… doing things and saying things. And… I found a note from him, but he’s missing. I don’t know what he’s going to do, but I fear it has something to do with your club. I’m… I’m here trying to stop him. He’s… gone off the rails… and I can’t stop it.”
Axle actually felt bad for Daniel. The man looked conflicted. He had loyalty to his brother, but he also knew what was right and wrong, and was trying to stand up for what was right. That took guts when dealing with someone so close to you who was intent on doing the opposite.
“You no longer have to worry about Chuck.”
Daniel’s brows pulled together. “What?”
“You got the note with you?”
After a nod, Daniel pulled the folded paper from his back pocket and handed it over to Axle. Axle unfolded it and read:
I figured out how to fix things. I’ll take care of them. You don’t have to worry about it. I won’t let them do to her what they did to me. They won’t get away with it again. I’m going to save her.
Axle refolded the note. “You no longer need to worry about Chuck.” He locked eyes with Daniel. “He will no longer be a problem for you or for us.”
Daniel stared at him for a long time. Slowly, tears built in his eyes. “He did something stupid, didn’t he?”
“Something monstrously stupid.”
Daniel nodded and sniffled. “He’s not coming back.”
Axle didn’t confirm or deny.
Looking like he was in a daze, Daniel stood and made his way toward the door. Pike stepped aside and let him leave. Axle didn’t know if he realized he left the note behind or not, but he wasn’t about to point it out.
He reached down and took the bag out of his metal trash can. He used the lighter from his desk drawer to light the corner of the note on fire. Then, he dropped it into the metal can and let it burn away.