Page 12 of The Biker Alien
Her sigh as I enter her has me groaning again, and I want this second round to get her to climax again.
I lower my head to kiss her again and again, and I move in and out, thrusting, needing her, needing more.
When a gunshot sounds, the bullet burying itself in the opposite wall.
What the fuck?
It’s all so amazing.I’m lying there, rubbing Alec’s back as he pumping into me, he deliciousness of it all, my desire burning, my body on fire, and I’m so close, almost there…
And then, I swear I hear a gun go off.
And Alec is off me like a shot, already putting on his pants, his back to me.
“Was that—”
“Gunfire? Yes,” he says as he grabs my hand and yanks me off the bed. “Let me help you get dressed.”
And he does, amazingly enough before he puts on his own pants. I grab my sneakers and start to put them on, but there’s another shot and another.
“I need my gun,” he says.
I gape at him. “We need to go.”
“You go.”
“I’m not leaving you here!”
He stares at me a moment. “My house is getting shot up.”
“Which is why we have to go.”
I start toward the stairs, but he doesn’t come.
Whatever. I am not staying here, and if he’s getting shot out, how good of a guy can he really be? No way. I’m done. I want nothing to do with him.
Well, maybe he just wants to get a gun so he can leave without being empty-handed, but still…
On the first floor, I hesitate. No way am I going out the front door. I’m so regretting not having that tour right about now…
It doesn’t take me long to find the kitchen, and there’s a glass door to the patio. I don’t see any shooter out back, so I leave that way, closing the door behind me and running, running, running, still holding my sneakers.
It’s not until I’m five streets away that I slow down. Shit. I didn’t know that I could run so far so fast. Who knew that being scared for your life makes it so that you actually want to run? When I say I exercise, I don’t mean running. I mean lifting weights.
I still have my phone. I thought I heard it slide out of my pocket onto the floor when we undressed me, but no. That sound must’ve just been when my pants hit the floor.
I quickly call 911 and tell them about gunshots being heard. I know the street he’s on, but I don’t recall the house number. She says they’ll investigate, and I hang up. I sure hope Alec won’t be pissed about my calling, but too late now, and even if he hadn’t wanted me to, I still would’ve made the call. You don’t just let people shoot up your house. No way, no how.
This area is still all residential, and a car pulls over. I glance over and keep walking.
“Do you need a ride?” the woman asks.
I halt and turn toward her. “I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?”