Page 9 of The Biker Alien
“We could split cannoli, get one for each of us, get something else, get nothing at all…” Alec stares at me with those amazing eyes of his.
“Do you have contacts?” I blurt out.
He laughs. “No, this is just me.”
“Just you,” I repeat.
I bite my lower lip. I’ve been burning for some time now, wondering just how far we might go tonight, and I don’t want the date to end, but I also want to be alone with him.
“Could we have dessert to go?” I ask.
“Yes, please.” Alec orders four cannolis. “All for tonight, over many nights… We’ll decide that later.”
He reaches across the table for my hand and rubs his thumb over my knuckles.
I part my lips. “Your eyes really are real?”
“Just like my hair.”
I giggle and release his hand to cup my boobs in mine. “These are too. They’re real, I mean.”
Shit. The wine’s gone straight to my head.
His gaze is smoldering. “I thought they were real.”
God, is it getting hot in here or what? I rub by neck, and he watches the movement as if he can’t get enough.
Can’t get enough of me.
Oh, man. I want him so badly. I’m not the kind of girl to go all the way on a first date. I’ve only had sex a few times, and maybe it’s the wine, but Alec makes me feel sexy, and he thinks I’m beautiful, even though I never had time to change out of my work clothes, and his confidence is rubbing off on me.
I like who I am around him.
The waitress brings out the bag of our dessert.
“Put dinner on my tab,” he says as he takes my hand.
We stand and walk out of there, and it’s only as we reach his car that I start to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” he asks.
“You. Earlier. With Greg. You didn’t seem like you wanted him to see your bike. You want to hurry up and leave and whisk me away, don’t you?”
“Your bed or mine?” he asks. He shakes his head. “Your place or mine? Shit. Wine doesn’t…”
I lift onto my toes and kiss his lips, a very faint, soft kiss.
“Your place,” I whisper.
It’s toolong of a drive to my place from Greg’s restaurant. I should’ve picked any of a million other places, but I didn’t know how the date would go, and I hadn’t been sure if Teri would want to come to my place after or not.
But she does.
She and I laughed so much over the meal. She even pointed out when I had ale in my teeth. In my experience, you only tell that to someone you’re comfortable with because you don’t want to risk making the other person feel bad, but how else are you to know?