Page 21 of The Bully Alien
I bite my lower lip before admitting, "I never had sex before. I never even touched a cock before. I... I never even kissed a gut before."
I furrow my brow. "Excuse me?"
"There's no way in hell you never kissed a guy before."
"I swear. I..." I lick my lips just because I'm uncomfortable. I rub my arms and then cross them, wishing I could get away from him because this is all way too much. "I'm telling the truth."
"I find that impossible to believe."
I meet his gaze. "You... You aren't just saying that?"
He shakes his head.
"But you only got hard because of friction. Not because you actually wanted me. It was just a natural physical reposes to stimuli." I swallow hard and wish there wasn't butterflies in my stomach.
"Maybe. Maybe not."
I grit my teeth, hating that response.
"I'm so much bigger than Earthling females," he says. "I... I wouldn't want to hurt any of them, rip them, make them bleed..."
"You... You're shorter than your, ah, true form. Can't you control your..."
"My cock size? Yes, to some extent."
"What do you mean by some extent?"
"I mean that when I'm excited, I tend to lose myself, and I can't control what I look like as much, and I might not remember to keep my cock smaller."
"So... what size would your cock be when hard when you're... in your true form?" I ask.
He snorts. "You're never going to find out."
Iwatch as Delana nods.
"Good. I don't want to know about your true cock anyhow," she says.
I snort. She's not fooling anyone.
I lift my chin in her direction. "Why are you celibate?"
"I'm not... not by choice." She looks away.
"I... One time, a guy told me he was willing to have sex with me, but only if the lights were off and the blinds shut and I had a brownbag over my face."
"What an asshole," I all but roar.
She shrugs. "I didn't want to have sex with him anyhow, but..."
"Is there a guy you want to have sex with?" I ask.