Page 25 of The Bully Alien
"Can you tell me what Grixulara is like?" she asks. "Or would that be too painful?"
I take a deep breath. Honestly, she's correct. It's painful, extremely painful, to even think about my home planet, but to talk about it... I haven't had the possibility of doing that until now. I never intended for an Earthling to learn about my being an alien, but here we are.
"Grixulara is... It's beautiful in a way that Earth could never be. The atmosphere is clean and pure, the air crisp and clear, and the sky is filled with stars that twinkle like diamonds in the night. The plants are lush and full of life, with some reaching heights of up to one hundred feet. There are vast oceans full of creatures that inhabit its depths—sharks, dolphins, and sea turtles but also so many different kinds of species we've never seen here on Earth." I pause for a second as my mind drifts to my home planet. "The people there are kind and generous, always looking out for each other. We live in harmony with each other and our environment. Grixulara has been around for generations. It's not only our home but an important part of our heritage. It will always hold a special place in my heart."
I hesitate as I remember the way the grass used to ripple with every step I took or how each evening the sky would transform into a stunning array of oranges, purples, and pinks. It was like looking at a painting made by some sort of magical being.
"The fauna is diverse, some creatures shimmering in bright blues and yellows, others blending into their surroundings until they can hardly be seen at all. The planet is surrounded by an aurora borealis that never fades away. During sunrise and sunset, the mountains cast shadows across the valleys and rivers that line them like ribbons. The cities are filled with tall buildings made from metals that look like marble but have been infused with crystals and gemstones to make them shine in the light. The people there are some of the most advanced civilizations in all of the universe, having decades ahead when it comes to technology."
"No wonder you want to go back so badly," Delana says wistfully.
"Yes, no wonder at all."
The picture in my mind of his home planet... I so want to see it for myself. I want to go there and be amazed by all of its glory.
"The other... What are you again? I'm sorry. I forgot."
"I am a Grolla," he supplies.
"The other Grollas, they sound a lot more welcoming than you are."
"Well, when you consider where they live and in peace..."
"Not all in peace," I say.
"You don't have to bring up the a sore subject," he grumbles.
"But even despite the war, they're happy?"
He nods.
I grimace. "I was happy."
"You make it sound like you were only happy once ever."
"That's about right."
"And when was that elusive time?"
"Before I met you."
His nostrils flare.
"I was so excited for college. A new start. A chance to start over. I so badly want to be an astronaut, to get off this planet, to get away from people... Now I learn there are other planets, that there's been traveling between planets, that there are places where there is mostly peace... I want that peace! I want a chance to see the world! And this... all of this..." I fling my arm out toward the wreckage. "This is just a damn shame. It's a fucking tease, and I can't handle this. I just can't! My life has been nothing more than one fucking disaster after another, one disappointment... It's a fucking tragedy, and I just can't catch a break. Meeting an alien should've been the best day of my life, but it's nothing more than another fucking disaster!"
He snorts. "I appreciate that."
"Look, you want your money back? Here." I reach for my wallet.
"I don't want the fucking money."
"Yeah, well, it's probably counterfeit or drug money or something."
"Do you honestly think that?" he demands.