Page 33 of The Bully Alien
He's also not in our next class, the alien. Why is he up to?
Despite doing my best to put Wyatt out of my mind, I can't concentrate on what the professor is saying. I'm too distracted by Wyatt's absence. I still think that can't possibly be his alien name, his true name.
Regardless, no matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about him. About his deep piercing blue eyes that seem to look right into my soul. His strong body and his powerful thrusts. The way he made me want to scream out in pleasure until I couldn't anymore.
I want more of what we had, even though it was angry sex, and for the first time in my life, I'm feeling something alien-like myself.
I shake my head. Alien-like? Who am I kidding? I'm more a freak than an alien. People look at me and then look away, or else they'll stare at me like I'm a hideous monster they can't look away from. Inwardly, for far too long, I was a mess, fractured, broken.
Honestly, I still am. After that shitty stunt by that one guy who asked me out as joke, I figured I would always end up alone, that I would never be willing to let anyone in. I haven't let Wyatt in, even if his cock has been inside me. Still, how fucked up am I that I might have more in common with an alien than I do other Earthlings?
And my letting myself have sex with Wyatt, that's saying something too. I'm not sure what all it would say or what my therapist would think. Refusing to even think about dating an Earthling and yet not dating an alien but being willing to spread my legs for him.
I've heard others talk about make-up sex before and how great angry sex is.
It really is. Now I know from first-hand experience.
I think, despite choosing to be celibate, I always was curious about sex, about the connection between two beings.
Sex really is about more than just the physical aspect.
Which is why we can't ever do it again.
But that one time... Fuck. I really can't stop thinking about him.
His eyes, his smile, his cock... It's all branded into my mind.
And the way he moved when we were fucking... He was strong and gentle in equal measure, and I felt like I could tell him anything as our bodies rose together. which is why I barely talked. I sure moaned a lot, but I didn't dare say too much for fear of what might come out of my mouth.
I don't tend to talk a lot. I sometimes have that whole open-mouth, insert-foot thing going for me, which just makes me even more awkward than normal, but the last thing I wanted as we fucked was for me to, well, fuck it up.
But once we started, the kissing, the fumbling... I didn't feel self-conscious at all, which shocked the hell out of me. I could tell just how much Wyatt was enjoying everything I was doing, and I kind of let myself do whatever felt good. He enjoyed it... I enjoyed it...
Finally, I can't take it any longer. After class ends, I walk to his dorm room and knock on the door. He's still not there.
I feel a flutter of disappointment in my chest and turn away from the door. That's when I see a small piece of paper stuck to the wall next to his nameplate. Picking it up, I find that he has left me one final message:
Delana, you were incredible last night. I hope you remember me fondly.
I'm stunned and more than a little aroused by his words as reality finally hits me. He is gone for good now. No matter how much I want him, no matter how hard I try, he won't be coming back for more.
But how can he be gone for good? There's no way he could have flown away.
Unless he lied.
But I saw the spaceship. It's incapable of flight.
He's been trapped on Earth for years. Is he really going to give up?
No. He can't. He won't.
I won't let him.
I snort to myself as I shake my head. It's not like I will be able to help in any way or be able to motivate him.
For so long, I've been on my own. Wyatt's been alone even longer, completely shut off from his people. I don't know how he's been able to without going insane.
Honestly, knowing what I know now about him and his background, I completely understand his anger, his bitterness, the way he lashed out at me. Hell, I even understand why he got involved in that fight that let me learn his secret.