Page 54 of The Bully Alien
"How are you?" I ask.
"Not too bad. You?"
I point to Wyatt's door. "Looking for him."
"He was here for a bit and then rushed out about a half hour ago. He seemed ridiculously excited about something." Brain lifts his eyebrows. "I thought maybe he had asked you out."
"We... We aren't exactly together," I say carefully.
"You don't know where you stand with him?" he asks.
"It's complicated, but when isn't life complicated?" I hold up my hands.
"That's the truth."
I tilt my head to the side. "Do you happen to be studying to be an engineer?"
"No, sorry."
"What are you studying?"
"Nuclear physics."
"Oh, wow. You really are a genius."
He chuckles. "I actually want to be a rocket scientist. I think it'll be impressive when I try to meet ladies at parties, and I introduce myself as Brain, and they'll ask me if I'm a rocket scientist, and I can say yes."
"You do realize that's..."
"Lame?" He chuckles some more. "Yes. How they react to that will tell me a lot about them, and I can judge from there if it's mission failure or success."
"Please tell me picking up women is not why you want to become a rocket scientist."
"Of course not," he assures me. "Are you off now to find lover boy?"
"He's not a boy," I say, my cheeks on fire.
"Ah, I didn't hear you deny the lover part." He wages a finger at me and winks. "Go get 'im."
I smile shyly at him and hurry off, driving over to where the spaceship is.
To my shock, I can just faintly see something in the air. Wyatt is walking away from whatever that is, and he's working on the ship.
Another ship. He's being given parts to fix his!
I hide, watching as he works.
Why am I hiding?
Honestly, I don't know.
Actually, I do.
If I'm right and that sex was to say goodbye, then that means he intends to leave with me remaining on Earth.
Fuck that shit.
Plus, I want to see if he really does intend to leave without me or not.