Page 56 of The Bully Alien
"Why would I be?"
"You never mentioned condoms..."
"You could've gloved yourself, if you thought about it. I could be pregnant right now, but you would leave me and possibly my baby for me to fend for ourselves while you're off, doing what exactly?"
And then my heart breaks because I think I figured it out, and it's devastating.
"You don't love me," I say, hating the way my voice cracks. "You can walk away because you have hope. You already found one Grolla. You're hoping to find another one, somewhere out there, a female one so you can go and fuck her and have a family with her, and I'm the selfish one for wanting you to be with me, but... I... I guess I understand... No. No, fuck that. No, I don't understand. I love you, Wyatt. I love you, and even if my being with you meant that there wouldn't be anymore Earthlings, I would still pick to be with you. I love you. You're enough for me, but clearly you don't feel the same way."
"That's not fair," he spits out. "I don't want to be with anyone else, but it's my duty—"
"Who was that?" I ask.
"Who was what?"
"I saw... something... a ship, right? That's how you got the parts to fix this ship. Who brought that ship? Why did you fix this one instead of going on that ship? Oh, right. Let me guess. You can't risk leaving behind any alien technology."
He scowls, but I get the feeling it's geared toward himself. "Franx."
"He took a huge risk by leaving Halio. If he's found..."
"How did he get access to a ship?" I ask.
Wyatt squirms.
"He fell in love with a human from Halio, didn't he? She helped him, so if there are to be more Grollas, it's all on you now. Even though you found love too. Am I right?"
Wyatt winces and hangs his head. "I miss my people. I miss my planet."
I nod. "Fine. Turn back around. Land. Let me go—"
"No." He groans and runs a hand down his face. "You came... I can't. I can't leave you. The entire time I spent fixing this ship, all I thought about was you and how much I love and adore you, and I want you. I want you to be my wife. To be beside me always. I am frightened of the Grots. That's the truth."
I believe him on that point at least.
"I lost years on Earth in misery. I don't want to have to spend the rest of my life trying to find a woman who will Neve hold a candle to you. She can go find love with someone else if she even exists. She very well might not, but you do. You're right here, right now, and I love you too. Will you take me back?"
The look he's giving me with those dazzling blue eyes of his...
I lift my chin. "Maybe if you grovel," I say.
He drops to his knees so fast that I have to grin.
"Whatever you want, I'll do it," he says.
"Hmm," I murmur, ruffling his hair and then rubbing my hand along the stubble on his cheeks. "I think I like you on your knees.”
Itake her hand and kiss it and then press my forehead against it as I look up at her. My voice is soft and sincere as I utter, "I love you so much, Delana. You are the only one for me in this universe, and I cannot imagine life without you by my side. Please forgive me for being so foolish and not seeing what was right in front of me all along. Our love is strong enough to last forever. It matters more than anything else. Even if there is a female Grolla out there, I'd still choose to be with you because there's nobody else I want to spend eternity with. You are an incredible woman who challenges me, who brings out the best in me, who makes sure I stay honest with myself."
My hand slowly reaches for her stomach.
"I hope you already are with child," I say. "I never thought about that. I... I'm a fool in so many ways, but there's no doubt that I'm also a fool for you."