Page 6 of The Bully Alien
"Thanks," he mumbles.
"Are you bleeding?" I blurt out.
He stops, two steps from walking through the door.
"What makes you say that?" he demands, pinning me with a hard glare.
I tilt my head at the small trail of blue liquid that he's made on the sidewalk. If it weren't blue, I would definitely think it's blood, but...
He follows my gaze and mutters what sounds like a curse, only it's a word I've never heard before.
He spins on the ball of his foot and hurries way, more of the blood falling from him.
I should probably just leave it alone, but what if he has some weird kind of health condition that changed the color of his blood? I want to be an astronaut, not a doctor, so what do I know.
"Wait up!" I call, running up to him. "If you're hurt, you should go—"
"No one said I'm hurt."
"You're bleeding blue—"
"I'm not."
I eye him.
"No one has blue blood," he insists.
I point to his hand that is covered in blue liquid.
"So that's paint?" I ask dryly. "I have eyes, and I'm not a fool. You might be an arrogant, cocky prick, but you don't have to be a dumbs too. Just go to a hospital. Do you want me to get you an Uber?"
"Afraid of doctors? A big guy like you afraid of needles? Never gonna get a tat, huh?"
"Why are you still here?"
"It's not because of your sunshine personality," I say.
"Do you always talk so much?" he grumbles.
We've been walking this entire time, heading toward the dorms. He's increased his pace, and with his long legs, it's getting a little more difficult for me to talk because I have to run harder to keep up with him.
"No, not normally," I admit.
He halts abruptly, right when we've reached a parking lot of one of the dorms. He's even paler now.
"You don't want to go to the hospital? Fine, but you should let someone help you."
"And that someone should be you because you're able to do anything you set your mind to. You can be an astronaut and a doctor and a surgeon and—"
"Fine. Be a bully. I don't give a shit bout you."
I turn to go and take all of two steps when I hear a thud.
I while around to see Wyatt. He's sitting on the ground, leaning against a car. The color has leached from his face.
Only he doesn't look gray.