Page 8 of The Bully Alien
My eyebrows lift. "You really are trying to get back home?" I ask.
"You don't know what's going on with me," He says. "If you tell anyone—"
"You'll kill me?" I ask dryly. "What do I care?"
He blinks a few times. "You want to die?"
"I want to leave," I snap. "Dying would be one way to. I'm not suicidal, but maybe we have more in common than you think, Alien Boy."
"Don't you fucking call me that."
"Oh, right. Sorry. Alien Man. Is the better?"
"Fuck you."
I snort. "What a witty retort. You can't come up with something better?"
He then utters a sound that I've never heard before.
"What the hell was that?" I demand.
"Nothing," he snaps. "You need to stay the hell away from me."
"Not gonna happen. we have classes together, remember? I sure hope I don't slip and call you Alien Man in front of anyone. It would be a real shame if others learned about your secret."
"Why the fuck are you being like this?" he growls.
"Aw, what's wrong? You don't like that the tables have turned? Maybe you should've thought about that before you bullied me," I snap. "If you can't handle it, then maybe you shouldn't have dished it out."
"You have no idea who I am or what I am capable of."
I shrug. "You calmly can't get off this shitty planet. It's what I've wanted for so long. You're stuck here, just like I am, and if you think you're going to make my life miserable, you're wrong. You're so wrong. I can make certain that your life is the one that's miserable. I'll tell the authorities about you."
His eyes flush, and a muscle in his jaw jumps.
"Don't want that, do you? Well, then, maybe you should apologize for the shit you've said to me."
I cross my arms and wait. Not that I expect an apology, and I don't think I would make good on my threat. he probably suspects that, too, but if he won't relent... if push comes to shove...
Iscowl, furious.
Furious at myself for not realizing I got hurt in that fucking fight at the diner.
Furious at her for being so fucking noisy and figuring out my secret.
I knew I would take a risk by going to college, but I'm desperate to get off this fucking rock, and now I don't think that's going to happen. Ever.
Earthling technology is too primitive. I don't think it's possible for me to fix my ship. I've tried, but... Believe me, I've tried. Coming here is a last resort.
And already, on day one, a fucking Earthling has stumbled upon my secret.
I didn't even feel any pain. Nothing. I still don't, but how out of touch am I with my own body that I didn't recognize the fact that I was hurt to the point that I couldn't control my skin color?
"I knew you wouldn't apologize. Why don't you tell me a little more about yourself, Wyatt? How about starting with your real name? What kind of alien are you? What's your planet's name? Where is it? Why are you here? How—"