Page 98 of Theirs to Crave
I looked down at Estrayuh’s pensive face, watching her absentmindedly petting Litha’s tail while my mate’s arousal scent gradually bloomed around us.
It would be a moment before Zaf was ready for more “active cuddling”. My love’s temper burned hot, when it burned at all. But the run home would help, as would comfort and sleep.
Afterwards. . .
If everyone agreed, I wanted to find out how loud Estrayuh could scream.
Chapter 29
Well. That was fucking awful.
I was cursed. That was the only explanation. Every time something good happened, the chancla of fate flew in and knocked me on my ass.
I finally made some progress with the aliens I was half in love—and all the way in lust—with, only for them to twatblock me because they were too fuckingperfect, and theykept their promises.
I hadn’t wanted to go to the village. First, I looked like I’d rolled into a ravine full of blackberry bushes. There would be questions and answering them would be awkward. But more so, this thing between Revik, Litha, Zaf, and I? It felt new and tremblingly vulnerable. I wanted to cradle it close, keep it safe next to my heart. With the stares from the cobweb-brushers, the village didn’t feel safe.
I’d felt tentative hope when we’d been greeted by Svixa’s giddy cry of “‘Strayuh! I want hug too!” That kid was puresunshine. Every time I saw her I was filled with gratitude, joy, and a bittersweet longing.
Explaining the lingering effects of Danger Dildo had been as uncomfortable as expected, but Cass’s face had been priceless. When she surprised me with the shoes she’d secretly been working on, I’d been walking on clouds.
In actuality, I was walking on thick leather soles attached to moderately ugly sandals, but after a month of going barefoot, I was so happy I could cry.
Then came Saytireka.
I hadn’t been able to hear the conversation between her and Revik, but it was a safe bet that nothing she’d had to say had been good. If her expression hadn’t given it away, the fact that my three had gone from happy to murderous in about two seconds would have been a clue. Right alongside the singeing smell of my hair burning as she tried to incinerate me with her eyes.
So now, instead of the four of us running home to bang like happy bunnies, I was trudging along between two silent giants, while Zaf was who knows where.
I stopped, tugging on Revik and Litha until they did too. They looked down, silent questions tilting their ears.
“Why Saytireka not like me?” I asked in a rush. If I understood, maybe I could work out some of the snarky meanness that bubbled in my gut before we found Zaf. Saytireka was a bitch, but she was still his mom. It wouldn’t be right to rant about my hurt feelings to him.
Litha winced and looked away, her ears pinning back.
Revik crouched, bringing us eye to eye, and touched my chest lightly. “Not you, Estrayuh.”
Well, that was bullshit. “Because...I am human?”
“No,” he said, at the same time Litha said, “Yes.”
I looked between them; eyebrows raised.
Litha sighed. “Saytireka fears change. Fears...different. You are change.” She caressed my cheek, her eyes warming. “Good change.”
Revik huffed. “Saytireka sees you—sees enemy. I and Litha, also. She thinks we hold Zaf—keep him from beingRalaytuh Tonset.”
“Ralaytuh Ton—” Oh, right. Prince Zafett, heir to the village throne. But why would being mated to us keep him from taking his place? Saytireka had three mates and two children, so it wasn’t like the position was reserved for virgins. “Do we?” I asked, searching his gaze.
“No.” He snorted. “Zaf no want to beRalaytuh Tonset. Zaf happy as healer.”
Then why...? I threw up my arms, frustrated. Zaf was wonderful. His twin, Indaro, was a delight. Their fathers—Tareth, Falk, and Zirrast—hadn’t shown any of the judgement Saytireka wore like armor. Why was she such a bitch?!
“She loves Zaf,” Litha said, gently. “She fears he will not be happy.”
“She fearsyou,” Revik countered in the tone of an old argument. “Fears you will beRalaytuh Naisetand not her.”