Page 2 of Sucked
“Don’t tell me you still do that,” I tease as I take her thumb out of her mouth and hold her hand.
“I can’t help it. My mouth feels empty if there’s not something in it.” She pouts and then grabs another lollipop from her bag.
I think about seeing her on the escalator and how I fantasized about giving her something to suck on and I have to look out the window. I didn’t know it was my baby girl when I had those thoughts, and I have to make myself stop. Yeah, she’s eighteen, but it’s wrong, and I know I can’t act on this urge.
“Do you think I can nap when we get home?” she asks, bringing me away from my thoughts.
“We can do anything you want,” I offer and squeeze the hand I’m still holding. Kimmy pulls it onto her lap, and I can feel her bare thighs as my hand rests between them.
“Good because all I want to do is cuddle together while we watch a movie and fall asleep in your arms.”
Suddenly the thoughts that fill my mind are ones that a father should never have.
“Ididn’t pack pajamas.” Kimmy pouts as she walks into my bedroom.
“Why not?” I ask, seeing that she’s still got on the same outfit from the airport despite the fact that we unpacked all of her clothes in her room. She didn’t have much, so I promised her we would go shopping tomorrow.
“The ones Mommy bought me were big and itchy.” She shrugs and walks over to my dresser. “Can I wear one of your shirts?”
“Of course, baby girl.” I walk up behind her as she grabs one out and then turns to face me.
“Is this one okay?” She holds up a threadbare plain white tee, and I nod. It’s an old work shirt, but it’s clean even if it’s see-through.
Just as I’m about to show her where the bathroom is, she pulls on her tank top and starts to take it off. I whip around and give her my back as I begin to scold her.
“Kimmy you can’t just take your clothes off around the house like that. You live with me now.”
“So?” she says, and I can hear clothes hitting the floor. “You’re my daddy. What does it matter?”
I think about her bare breasts and I have to close my eyes tight. “It’s just not right, okay?”
“Fine.” I can practically hear her rolling her eyes. “Can we watch a movie now?”
“Are you dressed?” I ask as I reach down and make sure that my hard-on is tucked away even though I’m wearing thin basketball shorts that don’t hide much. I changed when we got back so I’m only in shorts and a T-shirt.
“Yes.” She sighs dramatically, and I turn around to see her in my oversized shirt. It covers her better than her clothes, which are laying in a pile at her feet. She must have taken everything off.
“Do you need another lollipop?” I ask when I catch her sliding her thumb into her mouth again.
“No.” She takes it away quickly and then yawns.
When we get to the living room, there’s only the one small couch and nothing else for seating. Since I live alone and always sent any extra money to Kimmy’s mom, I don’t have much for myself. I’ll have to change that soon since she’ll be living with me full-time.
“Can we lay down?” She looks up at me with her big golden eyes and takes my hand in hers. “I want to cuddle.”
“All right,” I say and then grab the remote.
“You lay down first since you’re so big and I’ll just fit in where I can,” she teases, and I try not to grunt as I stretch out on the couch.
It’s a regular-size couch, but I’m a big guy, and I barely fit on my own. I can already see that there’s not going to be room for her and go to tell her so. But when I open my mouth to say something, I stop as she climbs on top of me. I hold still as her small body moves on me and she get settled. She’s so much smaller that even though her head rests on my chest, her legs have to spread so that her knees are on either side of my waist. I can feel the weight of her over my cock and I wonder if she can feel how hard I am. I grit my teeth and close my eyes tightly as I summon all my control.
“Oh, that looks good, Daddy.” She sits up, and her bottom is grinding on my cock as she points at the screen. “Put that one on.”
I have no idea what it is, but I click on it and start the movie. Kimmy lies back down across my chest, but I still feel her rocking a little on my cock.