Page 8 of Bride of Monsters
Millicent must not have gotten word about what actually happened to Finn yet, but that wasn’t surprising. There were only a handful of people who could’ve known Reuben betrayed Finn, dragging him to Nebulae with a final bid and hopes to notbe on the losing side. “You don’t know yet. My demons and I captured Finn. He's not dead. He's locked up in Shadow World."
“Ah…figures. That's why your coven dispersed so quickly. If I were you, I would've killed him, chopped him up in pieces, and used him as dog food," Millicent stated. "He's a vile piece ofwork. He gets on my nerves and angers my father to the point where he gets physically sick over it."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"And speaking of vileness…do you know who else is an expert on reversal spells?"
"Who?" But I had a feeling who she'd suggest before the name even left her lips.
"Finn. And you know why it's his expertise, right?"
I sagged in defeat. "Because he has undone all of the progress that those before us have worked so hard for."
"As destructive as Finn is, there's a reason he's still alive. He's your best bet at getting your betrotheds from that mirror even though he’s a trickster and damaged beyond repair.” She glanced over at it, peering at our reflections staring back at us. "Question is...are you going to use him to get what you want or not?"
Chapter 3
Desperate times called for desperate measures and drastic decisions.
Even before I left the Earth realm, I had already made up my mind about what I’d have to do. I only needed the courage to do it.
I left Shadow World with my monsters, lost them, and came back with a cat named Loki.
Why was I back on this realm without my men?
Because where else would I go to recharge after taking every exhaustive measure to get them back? I couldn’t go to anyone else for help.
Hardly anywhere was safe. The last time I reached out for help from someone, that person ended up dead. Even though I wasn’t the only one to blame, I truly hoped Aunt Naima had forgiven me and found peace somewhere in the spirit world.
I wouldn’t disturb her rest. That was the thing about contacting dead ancestors from the spirit world. We were only supposed to do it during dire times. This was dire. Dire only to me. My need for my demon lovers were my own. This mission was self-serving. Even if Aunt Naima had a simple reversal spell to give me, there was no chance it would work on my men. Andif it did, successful execution would most likely require a big sacrifice.
I had to figure this one out on my own.
Now I knew how Naima felt when she thought she could go up against a powerful vampire lord alone. It seemed I would eventually have to do the same. Besides Mika, Nostro was one of the last people to see my sister before she disappeared.
I would have to go to him. Hunt him down if I had to.
In the meantime, I would still fight to bring my loves back to me. Maybe it was even better if I faced a vampire lord myself. Vampires and demons were on worse terms than any other group in the supernatural community. They fed from the same food source—mundanes. I couldn’t bare losing one of my men to a villainous thug like Nostro. If my men were locked away safe, they couldn’t be killed. Which meant I could pursue the lead on my sister without them stopping me.
I paused in the foyer all by myself holding a confused-looking black cat. The king’s castle echoed with nothing but hollow sounds as I stood there alone. I wasn’t exhausted like I normally was when teleporting to and from realms. Fortunately, transporting a small animal to Shadow World was easier than transporting three powerful ten to twelve foot tall demons.
I missed Altair, Morpheus, and Dominik already. I wanted them back, even if they started arguing with and fighting each other the moment I saw them. I didn’t like the quietness—I never did.
Suddenly, Loki jumped out of my arms and began sniffing around the place. He was a fearless and curious cat, so when he disappeared around the corner investigating the place, I left him alone. He was a smart cat. He’d figure things out.
The moment I took a step in the direction of the stairs, someone pounded the knocker at the front door. They came in without an answer as always.
It was Tokin. My loves had previously honored him with the title ofOverseer of Propertyand he took his duties seriously. Tokin, who was a full-blood demon, sported blue-tinted skin with silver horns, long blue hair and a black tail he used often in place of his hands.
“Princess.” He bowed his head momentarily.
I’d never get use to them calling me that. My men still called me queen, but they had already anticipated that they would bring an end to their father which would officially make them kings. They had decided to share it all. The title, Shadow World and its adjoining territories, the castle, and…me.
Tokin’s gaze shifted from one end of the room to the next. “Where are the princes? I didn’t see them come in with you. Their presence cannot be felt neither here nor in Nebulae.”
“They…they are gone, Tokin.”