Page 16 of Absolute Harmony
“Oh, I’m so sorry, sir. I’ll be sure to be more careful in the future.” Tabitha stalked away.
Scott gave Savina another nervous smile before flipping open his menu. “Would you like to share an appetizer?”
“Sure,” Savina said.
She opened her menu, her stomach dropping when Scott said, “Hal! Hey, good to see you, man.”
This cannot be happening.
Plastering a smile on her face, Savina looked up. Hal, looking as shocked to see her as she was to see him, slowed to a stop next to their table.
Scott stood and shook Hal’s hand. “How are you?”
“Good, thanks,” Hal said. He wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt that clung to his upper body, highlighting the bulge of his biceps and the broadness of his chest. Christ, she would start drooling any minute.
He glanced at Savina. “Hello, Savina.”
“Hi, Hal,” she said.
“Oh, you two know each other,” Scott said. “Small towns, am I right?”
Hal smiled stiffly. “Yeah.”
“How do you know Hal?” Savina asked.
“We’re on the same team in the over forty baseball league,” Scott said.
There was an awkward silence before Hal said, “I’ll let you get back to your dinner.”
He walked away, heading to a table on the far side of the restaurant. He sat down just as his server arrived with his food. She was pretty with long dark hair and a curvy figure, and when she smiled at Hal, and he returned her smile, jealousy clawed at Savina’s insides.
She looked back at her menu, her face hot, and tried to concentrate on her date. Other than the initial weirdness with their server, Scott seemed nice. He was good looking, and they were hitting it off so far. She would have a couple of glasses of wine, enjoy some good conversation, and then take Scott home and fuck him. Easy as pie.
* * *
“So,I told my employee that if he didn’t remember to water the petunias daily, I’d have no choice but to dock his pay for every tray that died. I mean, it’s not rocket science, right? You work in a garden center. You’re required to water flowers.” Scott rolled his eyes.
Savina smiled at him and wondered if it was possible for a brain to simply explode from sheer boredom. They were only halfway through their meal, but she felt like she’d been sitting at the table for at least six hours.
As Scott twirled some pasta onto his fork and stuffed it into his face, she took another quick peek at Hal’s table. He’d finished his dinner at least ten minutes ago but still sat at his table with a book in his hand.
Lust cut through the boredom like a beam of sunlight. How tempting was it to snap a picture of Hal right now? Not to share on that Hot Dudes Reading social media site, but just for her. Something to look at when she was feeling lonely or… horny.
She tamped back her giggles. Would masturbating over a picture of Hal reading give her the title of “Most Pathetic Woman” in the world, or “Most Horniest”? She honestly wasn’t sure.
She dragged her attention back to her date. “Sorry, what was that?”
“I asked how you’re enjoying your pasta?” Scott said.
“It’s delicious, thanks.”
It was delicious, and she for sure would return to this restaurant. Not with Scott, she already knew that she’d never go out with him again after tonight, but maybe she’d do what Hal did and take herself out for dinner. She always felt awkward eating alone, but if she had a book… Hal looked cool eating dinner alone. She could, too, right?
“So, how are the pigs?” Scott asked.
“I’m sorry?”