Page 43 of Absolute Harmony
“Okay, so I’m in love with Hal, which means if he rejects me, it’s even worse. Now I’ve lost the man I love and my best friend. I think it’s better just to accept what he’s offering.”
“That’s your fear talking,” Wanda said. “I know the prospect of losing Hal is hard, but you won’t be happy long term with this arrangement, and then what? You stay even though you’re miserable? That’s not good for you or Hal.”
Savina took a deep breath. The coffee in her stomach suddenly felt a little like battery acid, and even the thought of talking to Hal made her tense, but what Wanda said was true. She wanted more from Hal, and it wasn’t fair to either of them for her to pretend she didn’t.
“If he rejects me, it’ll be, well… it’ll be devastating,” Savina said.
“It’s hard to put yourself out there, to be vulnerable even with the people you love,” Wanda said. “But do you really think Hal will reject you?”
Savina took another drink of coffee as she thought over Wanda’s question. She may have been new to the world of friends with benefits, but Hal’s actions this week suggested he wanted more. What if he was holding back because he thought that was what she wanted? What if she told him how she felt, and that’s all he’d been waiting to hear?
She smiled at Wanda as excitement replaced the worry in her belly. “No, I don’t think he will. I think, Ihope, that Hal wants more, but I won’t know unless I tell him how I feel and ask him if he feels the same, right?”
“That’s right,” Wanda said.
Savina sat back in her chair. “I’m going to talk to him. Thank you, Wanda.”
Wanda reached out and squeezed her hand. “You deserve every happiness in the world, Savina.”
“You’re a good girl, Izzie.” Hal rubbed Izzie’s ears as she leaned against his legs. He put the lid on the garbage can and walked back into Savina’s house. Izzie followed him inside and went straight to the dining room, hopping into the freshly-cleaned puppy pen. The puppies started a chorus of cries that ended when Izzie laid down to nurse them.
Hal returned to the kitchen. He finished setting the table, smiling when he heard Savina’s truck in the driveway. He opened the bottle of wine as she entered the front door in a gust of cold air.
“Hey, I’m in the kitchen.” He poured wine into two glasses and turned to face her as she walked through the doorway.
“Oh my God, it smells so good in here.” She grinned at him as she shrugged off her jacket and laid it over one of the extra kitchen chairs.
“I hope you don’t mind that I used my key to let myself in.” Alan had given him a key years ago, and he’d never gotten around to returning it. He handed her the wine glass, and she took a sip.
After leaving the clinic, he’d picked up a bottle of her favourite Chardonnay, and he loved the delighted smile that crossed her face as she tasted it.
“My favourite,” she said. “And you know I don’t mind at all. Mi casa es su casa.”
He pointed to her chair. “Have a seat while I serve up dinner.”
She sat in the chair. “I should be the one making you dinner. I didn’t work all day.”
He shrugged as he took the coleslaw from the fridge and spooned it into two salad bowls. “You know I like to cook.”
“I know, but I’m sure you’re tired.”
“I’m good.” He used oven mitts to pull out the stuffed chicken breasts and the crispy potato wedges, placing both baking trays on the stovetop.
He grinned when he felt Savina’s soft warmth against his back as she peeked over his shoulder. “Oh my God! Did you make mushroom stuffed chicken breasts and potato wedges?”
“I did,” he said.
She turned him around and draped her arms over his shoulders, pressing an enthusiastic kiss against his mouth. “My favourite wine and favourite meal. What’s the occasion?”
“No occasion, just felt like doing something nice for you,” he said.
Her radiant smile healed another section of his cracked heart. “It’s a wonderful surprise, and I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He kissed her again, letting his mouth linger on hers until she pressed herself against his growing erection and made those soft, intoxicating moans he’d grown to crave.