Page 47 of Absolute Harmony
“Good. If you’re looking for Warren, he’s in his office.”
“Thanks.” She headed toward Warren’s office, knocking on the open door before stepping into the room. “Hey, Warren.”
“Hey, Savina.” He sat back in his chair as she shut the door behind her.
“Do you have a few minutes?”
“I do,” he said. “You just missed Hal. He left early, said he had a headache and was feeling a little queasy.”
“I’m here to see you,” she said.
She sank into the chair opposite his desk as Warren said, “Is everything okay with you and Hal?”
“Why do you ask?” she said.
“He’s been looking pretty miserable the last two days and even quieter than he usually is.” Warren scrubbed at his jaw with one hand. “I apologized to him first thing Monday morning, told him it just caught me off guard and that I should never have said what I did about you being his best friend’s wife, but things still feel weird between us.”
He leaned back in his chair. “I’m happy for the two of you, you know that, right? Hell, now that I’ve had time to think about it, I’m not even all that surprised. You two have been thick as thieves for years. When did you start dating?”
“We weren’t dating,” Savina said. “We were friends with benefits.”
“Ah.” Warren got that look on his face, the one that practically screamed, ‘Abort Mission’.
Savina smiled, but it was a bit forced. “Don’t worry, that’s as much detail as I’m going to give you. I just stopped by to see if you and Hal had talked.”
“Well, as I said, we did, but not sure if it’s done much good. Has he been quiet with you?”
“I haven’t seen him since Sunday. He left right after you did, and he’s been avoiding me the last two days.”
Warren frowned. “Should I talk to him again?”
“No, I’m heading to his place now to speak with him,” Savina said.
Warren leaned forward, studying her intently. “You love him, don’t you?”
She nodded. “I do. I’ve been in love with him for a while if I’m being honest. I just didn’t have the guts to admit it to myself or him.”
“Does he love you?” Warren asked bluntly.
“I think so. But I think he’s struggling with guilt. At least, I think that’s what’s stopping him from admitting he loves me. I guess I’ll find out tonight.”
Warren smiled a little. “You do go after what you want without any fear. It’s something I’ve always admired about you.”
“Thanks, Warren.” She stood and hugged him. “I’ll let you know how it goes with Hal.”
He returned her hug before smiling at her. “I hope Hal realizes what a lucky man he is.”
* * *
Hal staredinto his mostly empty fridge before closing the door and walking to the living room. He dropped onto the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling. He’d told Warren he was leaving early because of a headache, and while it wasn’t a lie, it was stretching the truth. His headache was mild and relieved by a couple of Advil, but the ache in his chest, that steady throb of pain with every fucking beat of his heart, wasn’t so easily taken care of with a dose of ibuprofen.
He rubbed at his chest as if he could massage away the sorrow he’d felt since leaving Savina. It was a pointless gesture. He felt hollow and empty inside, nothing there but that constant beat of pain, and he had a horrible feeling that it would never diminish. He’d live the rest of his life with a continual ache for Savina.
Then go to her, you jackass. Stop moping around feeling sorry for yourself and go to her.
He couldn’t, not after what happened on Sunday. It didn’t matter that Warren had apologized to him. Hal couldn’t get the look of shock on Warren’s face out of his head, couldn’t stop the “She’s your best friend’s wife” from playing on repeat in his brain.
The knock on his apartment door made him jerk with surprise. He stood, wondering if Mrs. Shelton from next door had gone on a baking kick again. She kept to herself but always brought over a loaf of banana bread whenever she got in the mood to bake.