Page 18 of Menace
Instead, I grab my phone, text her a good morning, and then go about my routine. As I’m getting into my Jeep to make the drive to work, I get an answering text.
K: I barely slept at all last night, and when I did, I dreamed about all the things you could have been doing to me. Dream Mason is one of the hottest guys around.
Starting the Jeep, I take a minute to text her back.
M: Yeah? Real-life Mason has some tricks up his sleeve he hasn’t showed you yet. Maybe we can make that happen sometime this week.
K: I’m going to be spending all day tomorrow with you. We will NEED to find some time to make it happen this week. Text me your schedule, and I’ll let you know what mine is.
M: Will do when I get to work. I want this to work, Rina. More than I’ve wanted anything else in a really long time.
K: Same here, big guy.
And with a smile on my face, I head off to start my day. Having someone to share this stuff with? Doesn’t suck at all.
“What’sthat thing on the side of your neck?” Renegade asks as I duck into the squad car he and I are riding in today.
“What?” I pull the sun visor down and push back the plastic piece to look in the mirror. Son of a bitch, I got a hickey last night when Karina attacked my neck. “Must have cut myself shaving,” I lie, knowing damn good and well I have a beard right now.
“Riiiigghhhtttt.” He starts the car. As we pull out of the parking lot, I can feel his eyes on me.
“What, kid?”
“Don’t give me thatkidbullshit.” He laughs as we drive up Main Street. “I have a wife, I have plenty of sex, and I know exactly what a hickey looks like. I’ve just never seen you with one before, so it’s kind of weirding me out.”
“Weirding you out?”
Renegade sighs. “I’ve always kind of seen you as a dad, but I also always thought of you as way older than the rest of us. Even though you and Whitney are close to the same age. I don’t know, you’ve just been the one who had his shit together, and to see you with a hickey on your neck reminds me you’re a guy ready to live his own life.”
“That describes me pretty well. Seriously though, man, did you just call your wife old?” I watch the road as we slowly creep up Main Street until we get to the turn off for the state highway.
He gives me a scared glare when I mention what he’s said about Whitney.
“You mention those words to her, I will cut you.”
I laugh, because it’s fun to get under his skin.
“Who is she?” Renegade immediately cuts to the heart of the matter and effectively changes the subject. “Anyone I know?”
I’m not sure if I want to invite this scrutiny into my life yet. If I tell Renegade, he’ll tell Tank, who’ll talk to Ace and Havoc about it, which means I’ll be at the center of the gossip in this group. It’s a place I’ve never been before. But at the same time I kinda wanna tell someone, kind of want to talk about the changes happening in my life. “I’m not sure if you know her or not. Karina Holland, the teacher.”
“Believe it or not, I’ve met her before. It was quick and I didn’t get a chance to talk to her very long, but from what I did see, she’s cute.”
“She’s more than cute,” I argue. “She’s got these expressive as hell green eyes, her body is banging, and she laughs with this throaty laugh that sends goosebumps up and down my arms.”
“Dude, you’ve got it bad. How did you meet her?”
He’s right, I do have it bad, and I don’t even know how it happened. Maybe it’s just this time in my life is right. Maybe I’m ready to invite someone in to share my days and nights, and everything in between. Whatever the reason, she’s turned my world upside-fuckin’-down.
“That dating app Caleb created me a profile for. She was one of the only ones who didn’t ask me about being her daddy.”
He chokes on his own spit. “Did a lot of women ask you?”
“You seriously have no idea, like none. I didn’t know it was such a thing with this generation of woman. I’m already someone’s dad; I don’t want to treat the woman I’m with like that.”