Page 27 of Menace
“Anything, huh?” The wink he gives me is full of promise. The promise that we’ll finally talk about our schedules and figure out a time when we can get together. “How about you share one of those bar-b-que platters with me?” He points over to a food vendor set up in the food court area.
Surprised at what he was really hinting at, I nod. “Sure, like I said, anything with you, big guy.”
As he steers me through the people, his mouth tucks in close to my ear. “I’ll hold you to that promise in a more carnal way later. No need for you to worry about that, Rina.”
The tone and the promise send shivers down my body. I’ve never had a reaction like this to any other man I’ve ever dated. This man can own me, it wouldn’t take much. Fuck, I’m basically already eating out of his hand. “I’m not worried.” My answer is flippant with just a little bit of sass.
“You should be.” He winks.
That wink? Travels all the way through my body. We’ve arrived at a commissary area, where they’re selling more than bar-b-que. Looks like they have pizza, hot dogs, and hamburgers to go along with it.
“Want to split a pizza instead?” he asks as we walk toward the counter.
“Yes.” I try to play it cool, but my stomach is growling, just thinking about it. “Walking all over this place has totally burned off the protein bar I had to start the day.”
“You eat protein bars?”
“Sometimes.” I shrug. “Depends on what I have going on in the morning. Typically I’m an oatmeal and banana girl, but when I don’t have time, a protein bar will do in a pinch.”
“Jesus, a woman after my own heart. I love oatmeal with bananas.”
I turn around in his arms to face him. Hooking my fingers in his belt loops, I give him a smile. “Maybe one day we can have breakfast together.”
He tucks me into his body. “I’m definitely putting that on the calendar.”
As the two of us step forward and order a pepperoni pizza with a side salad and waters, I watch as the woman taking our food order looks Mason up and down. Tucking my hand in his back pocket, I give her my own look, letting her know this one’s taken.
“Your number is one-thirty-four, and we’ll call it when your order is ready,” the girl tells him.
She reaches out, handing him a paper with the number on it. I grab it before her fingers can touch his. “We’ll be up to get it.” I turn us around and head toward an empty seat.
Mason laughs as he pulls out my chair for me. “Didn’t know how jealous you are.” He sits across from me.
“I found the awesomeness that is you first.” I give him a grin. “You’re mine, big guy.”
“You’ll find no arguments from me.”
Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I glance over at him. “So about those schedules?”
By the time we get up, we have a date lined up for Wednesday night, and there’s nothing else I’m looking forward to more.
Since Sunday,I’ve been anxiously awaiting Wednesday. The week so far has been the slowest week of my life, but as the bell rings, I’m not hanging around; making sure no one needs me. No, I’m packing up my stuff and getting the fuck out of dodge.
Caleb gives me a little grin and wink as he leaves. I do have the decency to be a little embarrassed, but at the same time, I’m beyond ready to see Mason. As I shut down my computer and lock my classroom, I’m pulling my phone out of my purse and pausing to shoot off a quick message to him.
K: Leaving school right now. You’re off shift in an hour, right?
M: Yeah, so expect to be at the house in about two hours. I want to take a shower. Caleb’s working tonight, so we should have plenty of time to ourselves.
Given the way the two of us seem to behave with one another, I’m not sure if any amount of time will ever truly be enough.
K: See you there, big guy!
As I round the corner, heading toward the teacher’s lot, I crash into someone. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going, shouldn’t text and walk.” I glance up, seeing Mr. Cartwright standing in front of me, he reaches out to steady me, and I pull away quickly.