Page 3 of Menace
His brown eyes flair with desire as he levers himself off of me, his forearm flexes as he pushes the condom down on his hard length. When he thrusts home, a cry erupts from the back of my throat. It’s been so long since I felt the push of a man inside me, so long since I felt desirable, and an even longer time since I wasn’t going through the motions.
As we push and pull against each other, as my nails dig into his forearms, as his sweat drips off his face onto me, I’m aware that what we’re sharing isn’t something people share every day. There’s something hanging in the air, something I’m not ready to put a label to, but it’s not just a one-night stand. I know in the end, that’s what will scare me.
“Karina, you grip me so good.” He digs his fingers into the globes of my ass, pulling me tighter against him, adding a grind when he pushes all the way in. He rubs against my clit, and my eyes roll back in my head as I let myself experience this. I don’t question it, don’t let my mind take me away from it. I feel it.
“Fuck me, Mason, just fuck me.”
And as I give myself over to him, I let it wash over me. I let the orgasm take me like the tide at the beach. It comes crashing in, before it leaves a peaceful wreck in its wake.
It’s a beautiful mess as we come and he groans into my neck, I wonder how I’m going to let my walls down, how I’m going to recover from opening myself up so wide to this man.
This man, who I just met, who has just given me the most body-depleting orgasm of my life. This man who obviously has a small child, and a life I know nothing about. My feverish skin feels clammy as I realize the repercussions of what we’ve done.
Quickly, I make my excuses, sliding from the back of the Jeep, clothes barely fastened, looking every bit like I just got fucked. He hurries to catch up with me, stuffing himself back into his pants and getting buttoned right as we reach my car.
I don’t even remember what I say to him, but what doesn’t leave me is the sad look on his face in the rearview mirror as I drive away. I’m sad too, but I’m totally not ready for the force of nature that is Mason – whatever his last name is – because we never shared that.
One thing, however, is for sure. I won’t be forgetting Mason ever, or this night for at least a few weeks. The tingle in my thighs, the bruises on my neck, and the soreness in my core will be reminders of the onetime Karina Holland fucked some guy off a dating app in a parking lot.
A grin plays at my lips. Best mistake of my life.
“I love your makeup today,Ms. H!” Jess, one of the senior cheerleaders compliments me as she runs into class, right before the bell rings, indicating hallways are supposed to be clear.
Little does this girl know my makeup looks different because I’m trying to hide the damage Mason did to my neck on Friday night. Three days later, and nothing is fading. If anything, I had to mix different colors of concealer as it’s gotten darker. But that’s not something you can talk about in a high school classroom. Instead, I grin. “Thank you, Jess! I’m always looking to try new stuff, you know? Trying to keep up with you gorgeous ladies.”
“Whatever, you don’t even need it.”
I wish I had the blind confidence of this girl. Granted, I have it now, but it took me a long while to get it after my engagement fell apart, but I’ve never had as much as she does. “How’s everybody doing today?” I lean against my desk. One more class to go after this one, and then we’re out of here. These kids, though, they’re sometimes the hardest ones to control.
“It’s Monday, and I’ve got a case of them.” One of the football players in the front row sighs heavily, putting his chin on his hand. “Worked all weekend, and now here I am.”
Sometimes I feel bad for these kids, and then I remember we’re raising our future leaders, they’re learning values, and this is an economics class. It’s good for him to talk about work.
“I get you, I worked all through college. And having said that, you’ve brought up a good point, Johnathan.” I turn around to the whiteboard in the room, and show them what I’ve been working on. “Because I worked through college and was able to pay for some of my classes, as well as room and board, this total–,” I point to a number figure I’d circled during the first class of the day, “–is what I paid back for my college education.”
If there’s one thing I believe in, it’s transparency. These kids have got to know where their money is going. “That was the principal, add on interest, and this one is the total I paid.” I point to another figure. “However, if I hadn’t paid down almost fifteen hundred dollars a semester–,” I point to another one, “–this is how much I would have paid. Do you get what I’m saying?”
The numbers are vastly different, and this group of kids ready to take on the world is understanding these principles; I can see it clicking in their faces.
“You sayin’ I need to forget college and go on down to the gulf to work on an oil rig?” a guy in the back blurts out.
The group laughs, and I can’t help but chuckle too. He does have a point; education this day and age is expensive, and everyone has to weigh the benefits. “I’m saying this is a choice that shouldn’t be taken lightly. You need to be fully informed before you make that decision, and that’s what I’m here to help you do.”
As I’m about to continue through the lesson plan I have for today, an announcement comes over the intercom. “Faculty and students, be advised we are to execute lockdown and shelter-in-place protocol. This is a precaution; there is no threat to your person. Execute lockdown procedures immediately.”
My heart is in my throat as I hear the voice of our school secretary over the intercom. As I’ve been trained to do, I go to my classroom door, lock it, and close the blinds covering the pane of glass that allows us to see who’s coming in when it’s closed. I’m in an interior room, so there are no windows for me to close, meaning there’s no way of knowing what in the world is going on. Feigning a positivity I don’t feel, I speak loudly so that I can be heard over the muttering of the kids.
“As she said, there is no threat, but obviously we won’t be getting much done today. Why don’t you all talk amongst yourselves and I’ll get some work done.”
Faster than I should, I move to my laptop on my desk. Under the guise of doing lesson plans, I check my school email account.
Teachers and Staff,
During a routine check of the grounds, one of our security guards located what he believes to be three large boxes containing moonshine in one of the supply closets. Laurel Springs MTF and local law enforcement has been called in to investigate. Due to the heartbreaking situation that happened last year, we’d like to keep this as quiet as we can. Please do not allow students to speculate.